Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller - 1088 Words
In Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman Willy Loman has an obsession with material wealth and popularity. These obsessions get in the way of him achieving true happiness in his life with his family .Willy was inspired by Dave Singleman , his dreams of being like him were also ruined because of his obsessions. Willy said to his wife Linda describing Daveâ€Å"His name was Dave Singleman†¦ and he’d drummed merchandise in thirty-one states. And old Dave, he’d go up to his room†¦ −I’ll never forget−and pick up his phone and call the buyers, and without ever leaving his room, at the age of eighty-four, he made his living†In most scenarios people think that the more items they own the happier they will be in life, Willy quickly learns that is not the†¦show more content†¦Howard Wagner, Willy’s boss is not a very happy person and was not a big fan of Willy Loman and the way he did business. Wagner gradually got Willy o ut of the business, first he downgraded him to commission only so he only got paid if he made sales and when that failed as well he eventually just fired him. He continued to tell himself everything was ok and he pushed away the fact that his life was a letdown. His brother ben said to him â€Å"You must go into the jungle and fetch out a diamond†. Mr.Loman was so caught up in the fact that he lost his job and can’t provide for the family anymore that he relied on the American Dream to get him through the rest of his life. Accepting defeat would have helped Willy to get back on track to success, but if you can’t handle the truth it won’t be as easy. Willy Loman was never a very rich man but at the same time he was never a very poor man either and he refuses to start living the life of poverty. Even though he is insecure he is a man of his pride and he never wants his family to be down or see that he Is feeling down. For example Willy says to his wife L inda â€Å"I won’t have you mending stockings in this house! Now throw them out!†he looks at that as his wife accepting the fact of poverty and whether Willy has to lie to himself or her no poverty will be seen in the Loman house. When all else fails Willy still says that being well liked by people and having some money will solve his problems in life andShow MoreRelatedDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1387 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican play-write Arthur Miller, is undoubtedly Death of a Salesman. Arthur Miller wrote Death of a Salesman in 1949 at the time when America was evolving into an economic powerhouse. Arthur Miller critiques the system of capitalism and he also tells of the reality of the American Dream. Not only does he do these things, but he brings to light the idea of the dysfunctional family. Death of a Salesman is one of America’s saddest tragedies. In Arthur Miller’s, Death of a Salesman, three major eventsRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller888 Words  | 4 PagesDeath of a Salesman†is a play written by Arthur Miller in the year 1949. The play revolves around a desperate salesman, Willy Loman. Loman is delusioned and most of the things he does make him to appear as a man who is living in his own world away from other people. He is disturbed by the fact that he cannot let go his former self. His wife Linda is sad and lonely; his youngest son Biff is presented as a swinger/player while his eldest son Happy appears anti-business and confused by the behaviorRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1573 Words  | 7 Pagesrepresents a character with a tragic flaw leading to his downfall. In addition, in traditional tragedy, the main character falls from high authority and often it is predetermined by fate, while the audience experiences catharsis (Bloom 2). Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman is considered to be a tragedy because this literary work has some of the main characteristics of the tragedy genre. In this play, the main character Willy Loman possesses such traits and behaviors that lead to his downfall, and theRead MoreDeath of Salesman by Arthur Miller972 Words  | 4 PagesIn the play Death of a Salesman by the playwright Arthur Miller, the use of names is significant to the characters themselves. Many playwrights and authors use names in their works to make a connection between the reader and the main idea of their work. Arthur Miller uses names in this play extraordinarily. Not only does Miller use the names to get readers to correlate them with the main idea of the play, but he also uses names to provide some irony to the play. Miller uses the meanings of someRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1628 Words  | 7 PagesArthur Miller wrote the Pulitzer Prize winning play Death of a Salesman in 1949. The play inflated the myth of the American Dream of prosperity and recognition, that hard work and integrity brings, but the play compels the world to see the ugly truth that capitalism and the materialistic world distort honesty and moral ethics. The play is a guide toward contemporary themes foreseen of the twentieth century, which are veiled with greed, power, and betrayal. Miller’s influence with the play spreadRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller949 Words  | 4 PagesDeath of a Salesman can be described as modern tragedy portraying the remaining days in the life of Willy Loman. This story is very complex, not only because of it’s use of past and present, but because of Willy’s lies that have continued to spiral out of control throughout his life. Arthur Miller puts a modern twist on Aristotle’s definition of ancient Greek tragedy when Willy Loman’s life story directly identifies the fatal flaw of the â€Å"American Dream†. Willy Loman’s tragic flaw can be recappedRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller846 Words  | 4 PagesA Dime a Dozen The Death of a Salesman is a tragedy written by playwright Arthur Miller and told in the third person limited view. The play involves four main characters, Biff, Happy, Linda, and Willy Loman, an ordinary family trying to live the American Dream. Throughout the play however, the family begins to show that through their endeavors to live the American Dream, they are only hurting their selves. The play begins by hinting at Willy’s suicidal attempts as the play begins with Linda askingRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller Essay2538 Words  | 11 PagesSurname 1 McCain Student’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course: Date: Death of a Salesman Death of a salesman is a literature play written by American author Arthur Miller. The play was first published in the year 1949 and premiered on Broadway in the same year. Since then, it has had several performances. It has also received a lot of accordances and won numerous awards for its literature merit including the coveted Pulitzer for drama. The play is regarded by many critics as the perfectRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller2081 Words  | 9 Pages#1 â€Å"Death of a Salesman†by Arthur Miller is a tragedy, this play has only two acts and does not include scenes in the acts. Instead of cutting from scene to scene, there is a description of how the lighting focuses on a different place or time-period, which from there, they continue on in a different setting. The play doesn’t go in chronological order. A lot of the play is present in Willy’s flashbacks or memories of events. This provides an explanation of why the characters are acting a certainRead MoreDeath Of Salesman By Arthur Miller1475 Words  | 6 Pagesto death to achieve their so- called American dream. They live alone and there is no love of parents and siblings. They may have not noticed the America dream costs them so much, which will cause a bigger regret later. In the play Death of Salesman, Arthur Miller brings a great story of a man who is at very older age and still works hard to achieve his desire, which is the American dream. Later, he no tices that his youth is gone and there is less energy in his body. Willy Loman is a salesman, who
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Natural Treatments For Ease Anxiety Symptoms - 829 Words
Three Natural Treatments to Ease Anxiety Symptoms Can you remember how you felt the last time you took a test or went on a job interview? You probably noticed your heart beating faster or found it hard to breathe. It’s possible you caught yourself shaking. These are symptoms of anxiety that many of us have experienced. Sometimes people feel stronger symptoms of anxiety. When this happens, they might struggle to perform regular tasks in their lives. When anxiety starts controlling your life, it might have developed into an anxiety disorder. The following symptoms signal that you may have an anxiety disorder: †¢ Feeling worried constantly †¢ Avoiding social situations out of fear of being humiliated †¢ Having panic attacks, or having fear of having a panic attack Consult a Doctor According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, around 40 million American adults experience Anxiety Disorders. The good news is that there are natural treatments to help. If you feel you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety disorder, consult a doctor. There are natural treatments that can ease symptoms of anxiety, but you should discuss these with a physician first. Work out a plan together on how to manage your condition. Meditation A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine concluded that meditation can improve anxiety if the practice continues over time. In the study, anxiety levels were tested in participants of meditation programs after eight weeks of practice. TheShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of An Anxiety Disorder Essay1593 Words  | 7 Pageslikely experienced anxiety. You know, that feeling you get in a nerve-wracking situation; such as speaking in front of an audience or having a stressful job. This is a normal feeling for many but when you are at the constant state of anxiety or have the feeling recur or prolong for an excessive amount of time, this is when a problem is present. An excessive feeling of worry and panic is a good sign of an anxiety disorder. An anxiety disorder can be so crippling that physical symptoms may occur. ThereRead MoreGeneralized Anxiety Disorder1142 Words  | 5 PagesGeneralized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a disorder of shared self-reported symptoms. It goes wit h tension, uncontrollable worrying, sometimes muscle pain, trouble sleeping, and irritability that all together impair work ability, relations, and leisure activities. It is a common condition and there are psychological and pharmacological treatment options are available for anxiety disorders but not all patients respond to the same treatment as others. Finding a good treatment can take many months or sometimesRead MoreBiomedical Model Hysteria1108 Words  | 5 Pages Hysteria and other fashionable illnesses among women, as well as recent expressions of dis-ease have been battlegrounds of conflicting models of mental illness and of professional interests from the late 19th Century through the early 21st Century. The biomedical model describes dis-ease from a biological perspective, which loads on biology as the cause that can be treated by addressing the patient’s biology with medical interventions. This analysis will examine and critique the biomedical modelRead MoreWhat is Anxiety? Essay1019 Words  | 5 PagesAnxiety is a feeling and emotion of excessive and prolonged worry, a sense of dread and generalized tension. Fear and anxiety are similar emotions but have important differences. While fear is based on a specific threat and is relatively short, anxiety has no definite basis and often prolonged. We all experience anxiety at some level. Students feel anxious when taking an exam. You may feel apprehensive about going out on a blind date. Many people are scared of delivering a speech. Many situationsRead MoreDifferent Natural Remedies That Can Help Cure Numerous Health Issue980 Words  | 4 Pageseffects as well as financial effects on the caregiver of a patient with dementia; utilizing natural remedies will help replenish the brain and ease tension and anxiety. There are many different natural remedies that can help cure numerous health issue. Caring for someone with dementia often requires a great deal of time and patience, and it can cause great stress to the caregiver. This illnesses lead to symptoms of serious changes in memory, personality and behavior. For some, it often ends up with theRead MoreMarijuana Should Be Legal For Medicinal Purposes924 Words  | 4 Pagesfor medicinal conditions because of the benefits to treat diseases and symptoms. The medical conditio ns would be inflammation, brain injury, etc... Marijuana should be legalized as it’s been recommended by the doctor for the dosage because it is good for other medical conditions such as chronic pain, brain injury, inflammation, and other symptoms. Marijuana contains natural chemicals that can treat a certain amount of symptoms. Based on the ways that Medical Marijuana works, and how it is useful forRead MoreThe Use Of Exercise Therapy As A Safe Alternative Treatment Option For Those Suffering With Ptsd Essay1616 Words  | 7 Pagesexperts and military leaders believe this issue deserves attention, there has not been universal treatment plan implemented. Many of the current treatment plans focus on the use of pharmaceutical drugs to negate the PTSD symptoms and not on the healing and overall wellbeing of the individual seeking treatment. This research paper will discuss the use of exercise therapy as a safe alternative treatment option for those suffering with PTSD and th e affects associated with the overuse of prescriptionRead MoreThe Stress With Anxiety And Depression1534 Words  | 7 Pagesthat stress consciously or unconsciously. Often, many people suffer from crippling anxiety as a result of constant stress or in response to some traumatic event. This anxiety can also be accompanied by feelings of depression, adding to the overall stress and feelings of anxiousness a person may experience during difficult times in their life. Worse still, there has historically been a stigma associated with high anxiety and chronic depression that those who suffer from these maladies are broken in someRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1241 Words  | 5 PagesSiobhan McShea Mrs. Stanley Health April 14, 2014 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post traumatic stressed disorder is a mental illness caused by an enormous amount of anxiety felt after a traumatic or life-threatening accident or event. This event causes intense feelings of fear and helplessness. Studies have shown that about 5 to 6 million people suffer from PTSD. (Thomas ) About 30% of those people are war veterans. Most war veterans who have served for our country who have PTSD from the warRead MoreHow Are Sleeping Aids For Individuals In Recovery From Substance Abuse And Relapse?868 Words  | 4 Pagesprofessionals related to appropriate treatment and decision-making. One of the primary issues facing individuals recovering from substance abuse, particularly in the early stages, is that of insomnia or sleep disorders. Kolla et Al. (2014) noted that while 47% of individuals in the beginning of recovery experience insomnia, this number grew to 60% at a 6-month follow-up. There may be other underlying causes to the insomnia, including undiagnosed depressive or anxiety disorders, that are further exacerbated
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Key Factors Of A Team - 857 Words
Power point slides are about effective team which is key to success in any corporation. As we go more into presentation we will find what is definition of team, types of teams, key factors of team building, barriers of effective team working. Team is â€Å"Coming together is beginning, keeping together is a progress, and working together is success†according to henry ford. Team is nothing but group of people with compatible skills required to complete project or task. Team may or may not work in same physical location. Team members depend on each other to make any decisions and achieve same goal. There are three types of teams mainly team who performs the action and team that run things and the team who performs. While building effective team there are some important areas like ability of team to communicate up, down, and sideways or purpose of team is formed for example problem-solving or decision-making? Then commitment of each team member. There are several requirements for team building like defined purpose, goal of project, Planning step by step process, each team member has key role towards success of project, proper communication from top level to bottom level of team, flexibility to acquire required change and resistance to unwanted change. There are important key factors which need to considered like coherent responsibilities and roles, effective communication, quick response, productive leadership and strategy. The effective team always focuses on end path, then inShow MoreRelatedThe Key Success Factors for Knowledge Workers Teams1930 Words  | 8 PagesKey Success Factors for Knowledge Worker Teams Introduction A knowledge worker is the one who makes his earnings from his knowledge in a particular field of profession. He works on different projects and assignments for his organization; either working independently or in teams (North Gueldenberg, 2011). His estimable contributions lead his organization in accomplishing its strategic goals and achieving competitiveness. When knowledge workers perform in teams, they are assigned special targetsRead MoreWhat Are They Key Factors for Success in Debating; Team Processes and Preparation, or the Public Speaking Skills Employed1404 Words  | 6 PagesWhat are they key factors for success in debating; team processes and preparation, or the public speaking skills employed in the debate’s delivery? Use your own debate as a case study to answer this question and ground your analysis in communication theory. Successful debating involves the use of the key skills involved in public speaking. Without these skills you will be unable to get your message across to the audience and as such will not be effective in delivering your speech or the debateRead MoreEssay on Important Factors for Project Success582 Words  | 3 Pages People in top management positions, is a key stakeholders in projects success. 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In this essay I will be explaining some of the theories and try them to apply to explain the process of my group project. Project motivation is a key aspect to a successful project. Management styles are either inclusive or exclusive, and are thought to change team motivation from internal (intrinsic) or external (extrinsic) sources. Intrinsic motivation involves people doing an activity because they find it interesting and derive spontaneous satisfactionRead MoreSwot : Swot For Team987 Words  | 4 PagesSWOT Analysis for Team Strengths for our team include the fact that our group consists of upper level, business majors who have studied various aspects of business theory and knowledge. This knowledge will be used to the best of the group’s ability to develop and present a well-rounded final project. One notable weakness for our group is that we are having to communicate over a distance rather than work together in a single setting. 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As a crucial component of the project planning process, which will admittedly be compressed due to the overriding project start deadline of three weeks, the director of Renergicals project management department has scheduled a meeting of key stakeholders
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
State Senate Speech - 873 Words
Deciding to run for the Texas State Senate, means effort towards the campaign and dedication towards the community. This position that I am currently aiming for in District nine, not only will take up most of my time, but it will all be for the community and its people. The current officer who represents my district, which contains the following areas Fort Worth, Dallas, Grand Prairie, etc. is Senator Kelly Hancock. Senator Hancock has done tremendous things for this community and the people living in it. He has put it a hundred and ten percent of his efforts into making our beloved community a place for all races. Being a State Senator in my eyes isn’t all fun and games, the people of the District chose, you have a say in the States†¦show more content†¦In conclusion, I would like to offer a platform, which I believe can cause a tremendous effect to the futurist of district nine. I plan to be a part of the Texas Liberal Democratic Party Platform and to place area nin e, once again on top. I will do this by encouraging current workers to keep their jobs, which will bring them many significant benefits from the company’s. By having a stable job, not only will the family be able to pay off taxes, but as well provide support for their family. Another issue I am considered about is immigration. As well as many others serving in the government, I too believe, immigrants should have a right to earn their citizenship if they have a stable job and can fulfill their duties regarding taxes. If I get the privilege of entering the Texas State Senate, I guarantee every immigrant will be protected using their working rights as well as will fight as a state to keep the Dream Act program. Many might disagree with that decision, but on the contrary, without immigrants, our country will be nothing. Another severe yet controversial topic that will be on my plantation will include abortion. Many young moms especially, will try and abort their child, and that again can be controversial. Its all up to the mother, thats their choice is fundamental. Comparing my issues to the original of the Democratic Party Platform, mine will contain less vigorous action from theShow MoreRelatedStand With Texas Women By Wendy Davis1379 Words  | 6 PagesOn July 1, 2013, Texas Senator Wendy Davis made a speech at Texas’s State Capitol. She had an audience of about 5,000 people, as she spoke about Women’s Rights and Texan power. In â€Å"Stand with Texas Women†, Wendy Davis argues that Texas is all about fairness, so women deserve equal opportunity. Specifically, Davis states that Texas has pushed to be fair, but politicians have been selfish in their careers. Her point is that creating equal opportunity for women will help not only Texan families, butRead MoreMargaret Chase Smith’s â€Å"Declaration of Conscience†945 Words  | 4 PagesIn the â€Å"Declaration of Conscience,†Margaret Chase Smith addresses the American public and the United States Senate during a time of political unrest. Commun ist accusations and a â€Å"national feeling of fear†has brought upon this speech. Even with an upcoming election, the Republican Party decides a freshman woman senator would speak to the public, an uncommon practice at the time . In this paper, I will argue that Margaret Chase Smith’s â€Å"Declaration of Conscience†proves her credibility as a womanRead MoreEqual Opportunity At Texass State Capitol1338 Words  | 6 PagesEqual Opportunity in Texas On July 1, 2013, Texas Senator Wendy Davis made a speech at Texas’s State Capitol. She had an audience of about 5,000 people, as she spoke about Women’s Rights and Texan power. In â€Å"Stand with Texas Women†, Wendy Davis argues that Texas is all about fairness, so women deserve equal opportunity. Specifically, Davis states that Texas has pushed to be fair, but politicians have been selfish in their careers. Her point is that creating equal opportunity for women will helpRead MoreA Speech At Texass State Capitol1266 Words  | 6 PagesOn July 1, 2013, Texas Senator Wendy Davis made a speech at Texas’s State Capitol. She had an audience of about 5,000 people, as she spoke about Women’s Rights and Texan power. In â€Å"Stand with Texas Women†, Wendy Davis argues that Texas is all about fairness, so women deserve equal opportunity. Specifically, Davis states that Texas has pushed to be fair, but politicians have been selfish in their career s. Her point is that creating equal opportunity for women will help not only Texan families, butRead MoreA Stylistic Analysis on Margaret Chase Smiths1272 Words  | 6 Pageslanguage of the public speech English. The sample is a typical political speech which possesses many stylistic features of public speech. By analyzing the stylistic effect of the sample, the paper also explain the function of the stylistic features. Background Margaret Chase Smith (December 14, 1897–May 29, 1995) was a Republican Senator from Maine, and one of the most successful politicians in Maine history. She was the first woman to be elected to both the U.S. House and the Senate, and the first womanRead MoreThe Federal Government1620 Words  | 7 Pagesto assign new judges that are later checked by the Senate (Congress). The Executive can veto any laws the Legislative creates. However, if 2/3 of the majority disagrees with the President’s denial, the Legislative branch is capable of overriding it. The Legislative checks and clarifies every treaty and fund the Executive proposes. The Judiciary examines each law the President signs in order to decide whether it is valid to be legalized. The State and Local Government receive the remaining powers fromRead MoreHillary Clinton : A Member Of The National Honor Society889 Words  | 4 Pagesapplying to NASA they did not accept her because she was a girl and girls were pre vented from attending programs that had any involvement with astronauts. The reason why Hillary became so interested in public service was due to the speech in Chicago by Martin Luther King, his speech inspired her to focus of public service and help people. Hillary was very active during her college years, she was involved in many things that involved public service. She worked every summer as a college student, one of herRead MoreThe Legal System and Society999 Words  | 4 PagesRome. In this time citizens of Ancient Rome where ruled by kings. Until 450 B.C the romans created the Twelve Tables which is a set of code laws. This set up the basics of the legal system, which the United States uses one similar to it today. The Latin culture influenced the United States to use the language in courts. At this time in the Roman Republic the wealthy had the power and were able to get out of many punishments. These punishments were more enforced on criminals of the lower class. Read Mo reImpeachment of Andrew Johnson1606 Words  | 7 Pagesinfringe upon the presidents authority. The impeachment of Andrew Johnson was politically motivated. The spirit of the Jacksonian democracy inspired Andrew Johnson. In 1857, Johnson was then elected to represent Tennessee in the US Senate. While serving in the Senate, Johnson became an advocate of the Homestead Bill, which was opposed by most Southern Democrats and their slave owning, plantation constituents. 1 This issue strained the already tense relations between Johnson and the wealthy plantersRead More First Philippic Against Marcus Essay2579 Words  | 11 Pagescoming before the Senate is to drive them to the realization that Marcus Antonius and his actions are slowly breaking down the unity of the country. He praises Marcus Antonius for his fine speech, intentions, and promises, then points out the fallacies and unconstitutionality of Marcus Antoniusamp;#8217; actions. He reminds the Senators that amp;#8220;Nothing was done any longer through the Senateamp;#8230;; because measures were being passed without declaration or consent. The Senate and Caesaramp;#8217;s
New Ideas Into Writing about Myself Essay Samples Never Before Revealed
New Ideas Into Writing about Myself Essay Samples Never Before Revealed What About Writing about Myself Essay Samples? Essay writing is usually practiced is schools. Writing an essay is a vital role in academe life. Bear in mind, your private essay might be the truth, but it doesn't indicate you shouldn't consider it from a creative writing mindset. Some essential suggestions on how to compose an essay about yourself. A research writer needs to be able to consider coherently and logically. I'd like to be a freelance programmer. When you are requested to compose an essay, attempt to locate some samples (models) of similar writing and learn how to observe the craft of the writer. If you're to really gain from model essays, you will need to understand how to read the techniques of the writer'. Stephen's essay is rather effective. These seven sample essays respond to a selection of thought-provoking questions. Both law and company schools also often need several essays of their applicants, with questions that range from details about your private background to questions asking you to compose an essay exploring a controversial matter. The principal question of all students who must compose a reflective or private essay is whether it's possible to think of such sort of academic paper without sounding too egotistical. Today, there are numerous sources a student can depend on for an illustration of a personal essay. Please be aware that a few of these college essay examples might be responding to prompts that are no longer being used. New Questions About Writing about Myself Essay Samples Self introduction truly is a very hard endeavor. A self introduction essay is in the majority of cases written utilizing the very first person perspective. A self-introduction essay is, in most instances, written employing the first-person viewpoint. Proceed to the section with fantastic topic sugges tions to discover new and time-tested examples. Regarding academic writing, online sources have been shown to be of help to the majority of scholars on account of their easy accessibility and broad choices out there. When looking for a personal essay example, additionally it is recommended that you consider the conditions of use as outlined by different sources. Regardless of what's the goal of your essay, there's a preset number of points which you will be expected to tackle. One needs to think creatively to be able to break down a problem in the smaller and more manageable components. The Nuiances of Writing about Myself Essay Samples It is your opportunity to prove that high school or even college education is insufficient. Success to me is getting good marks and at the identical time creating a positive effect on the society. Classes in school come easy the majority of the time but I love history and previous events which lead to critically thinking every single day. You may also find a variety of discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. There are sources that can provide you sample essays to use directly from their websites while some give room for downloads so that you may use the example at your own moment. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. Otherwise, you could constitute a company name and modify the sort of business and geographic location, she states. Characteristics of Writing about Myself Essay Samples Do not become stuck with material possessions and what you've achieved in life. Ultimately, the detail of real speech makes the scene pop. My character is tough to describe.
Disturbances and Symptom of Depression †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Disturbances and Symptom of Depression. Answer: Introduction: The way people lead their lives on a daily basis starting from what they eat and what they love doing during free time among affects the outcome of their health conditions. Almost all people including even those with development disabilities actively make decisions that influence the health and their safety as well. According to (Farhud, 2015), WHO outlines that individuals healthy living is directly correlated to their choice of a lifestyle. As a special education teacher informing people about what they are supposed to do, supporting individuals by providing them with information about what type of lifestyle is appropriate for them is essential. It involves teaching the healthy choices in their lifestyles. Studies have stressed on relations between active lifestyle with happiness (Farhud, Malmir, Khanahmadi, 2015). Leading a healthy lifestyle is a very important factor in managing people with development disabilities. It can create avenues for improvement in general health outcomes of the patients and protects them from unexpected attacks of other dangerous diseases. Specifically, helping and encouraging these kind of individuals to maintain a safe and clean environment to enhance acceptable hygiene levels, keeping them regularly active through physical activities, choosing a balanced diet full of nutritious foods, eradicating smoking, alcohol and the use of drugs; will aid them to lead a fully health life. The choice of an appropriate lifestyle enables them to have stronger health conditions and lower the risks for such conditions as obesity, high cholesterol levels, mental problem, depression, heart disease, and other related injuries among others. The lower risks of the above conditions are a clear indicator that, the individuals with development disabilities will have reduced probability of being hospitalized as a result of complications that arise from a poor lifestyle. The choice of nutritious food is the best way of staying healthy for the people with development disabilities. Health eating lowers risks of obesity and other lifestyle diseases. The healthy eating routine should consist of at least five fruit servings in a day, choosing foods that are low in fats, avoid salt, as well as junk foods such as fried chicken and cakes (Mozaffarian, et al 2011). Furthermore, the choice of safe and hygienic environment is also important. An individual with development disabilities ought to have an organized hygienic schedule. And this involves regular washing of their clothes, and proper feeding habits, clean dental exercises and appropriate toileting habits among others. There should be no use of alcohol and other drug substances for the people with development disabilities. Alcohol, smoking and intake of other dug substances are detrimental to anyone. They can cause addiction which in turn results in serious chronic diseases such as cancer and many more. If any individual is detected to have addiction of any drug substance, all efforts should be made to ensure they stop using it. Regular exercise is also important, such that it keeps the persons healthy, strong and generally active in every aspect of their social lives. These activities could be in form of sit ups on the bed, propelling a wheelchair or running uphill to enhance the physicality of the body. According to (Sigafoos, Arthur, O'Reilly, 2003) , medical problems have been the main cause of the challenging behaviour among the people with development disabilities. This means that, enhancing the health wellbeing of the individuals with these traits helps them live comfortably. The promotion of health involves a variety of activities, which includes regular medical examinations including dental examinations among others; effective measures to enhance the hygiene awareness, promotion of health lifestyles and many more. Regular medical examinations are a necessity for every person, and more so to people with development disabilities through appropriate care. The medical examinations involve carrying regular tests on the prevailing health conditions of the affected persons. It should include dental examinations to determine the health state of the patients teeth and even mental diagnosis to determine their mental state (Lunsky Raina, 2010). In addition, health examinations should be carried out to establish any underlying medical condition that may prove detrimental to the health of the person with the development disabilities. Regular medical examinations are appropriate measure of care for them, because most of the times these group of people have no capacity to look after themselves. The other important factor in health promotion of the individuals with development disabilities is the hygiene skills. As discussed in the first section, roper hygiene is an important part of the healthy lifestyle. Therefore, setting up mechanisms on how to properly teach and develop the culture of good hygiene is a crucial step for the people with development disabilities. In addition, lifestyles matter, and the more the patient gets imparted with appropriate lifestyle practices such as regular exercises and eradication of alcohol and other drugs intakes; the more the improvement of their general health conditions is evident. The control of excessive use of technology may also help in reduction of depression cases (Thomee, Harenstam, Hagberg, 2011). Therefore, it is reasonable for efforts to be put in place in promoting healthy lifestyles for healthier living of the affected people (Ziglio, Currie, Rasmussen, 2004). It is also important to develop a well established way of communicating. For instance, appropriate mechanisms should be put in place to enable the patients communicate their medical needs, and ensure that their needs are appropriately addressed. References Farhud, D. D. (2015). Impact of Lifestyle on Health. Iranian Journal of Public Health , 14421444. Farhud, D. D., Malmir, M., Khanahmadi, M. (2015). Happiness as a healthy life style. Iranian Academy of Medical Science. (In press) . Lunsky, Y., Raina, P. (2010). A comparison study of adults with intellectual disability and psychiatric disorder with and without forensic involvement. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 218-223. Mozaffarian, D., Hao, T., Rimm, E., Willett, W., Hu, F. (2011). Changes in diet and life style and long term weight gain in women men. N Eng Med J , 23922404. Sigafoos, J., Arthur, M., O'Reilly, M. (2003). Part 3, Chapter 5: Health and Medical Screening. In Challenging Behavior and Development Disability (pp. 77-93). Thomee, S., Harenstam, A., Hagberg, M. (2011). Mobile phone use and stress, sleep disturbances, and symptom of depression among young adults. BMC Public Health , 6677. Ziglio, E., Currie, C., Rasmussen, V. (2004). The WHO cross-national study of health behavior in school aged children from 35 countries: findings from 20012002. J School Health , 204 206.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Have You Ever Seen Anything In Your Life That Just Seemed To Good To B Essay Example For Students
Have You Ever Seen Anything In Your Life That Just Seemed To Good To B Essay e true? Have you ever saw something at a restaurant menu that looked like a double dose of all that but it turned out to be toe up from the floe up. The point that I am trying to reach is that western expansion was not good for America. The reason why I say this is because a lot of people got caught up in the western myth. The western myth is a belief that all will profit, all would be equal, and all will be free. Hays Jackson states that Chinese immigrants started arriving in the United States around the late 1840s and early 1850s. In his article Paper Sons, he states for many Chinese, however the United States was the Mountain of Gold. Basically Chinese immigrants came looking for a better life but what they found themselves taken advantage of, discrimination, hatred, and abuse. One of the ways that they legally got discriminated was the Exclusion Acts. The Exclusion Acts were laws saying those of Chinese descent were not welcome in to the United States unless you were educated a merchant or a son of a US citizen. Mariano Vallejo is just one of the many people who got caught into the Western Myth. To make a long story short, Vallejo was this man who owned a lot of land and property. After the gold rush he had nothing. How did he lose it all? The same way the Native Americans did. Land hungry settlers came upon his lands like roaches come to a dirty kitchen and Mariano Vallejo was raid-les s. Mr. Vallejo life represents the life of many Mexican and Mexican Americans. Even though Mexican and Mexican Americans accepted the settlers, their new country treated them like foreigners. By the end of the 1800s the Mexican and Mexican American found themselves a minority with little or no power and occupying the lowest rungs of the economic ladder. The author Scott Minerbook says that Blacks viewed the west as a land of promise both economically and racially even though most came to the west as slaves. In the story The Forgotten Pioneers the Author talks about how Black towns were suppose to be set up. Minorbook says Among the most prominent all black towns was Nicodemus Kan., established in1877 by a White speculator and his Black partner. As was often the case during the settling of west , Black pioneers were promised fertile fields abundant water shady trees and plenty of game by the alluring avartisement . Instead arriving Blacks found that the best farmlands surrounding the city had already been taken by whites. There were no trees and the game was scarce. In other words Whites said Hmmm we already have the nice land for ourselves lets give the not so nice area to the Blacks. We can tell them the land is just like ours and make a profit!Also the Article says Nicodemus lost a competition for a railroad station that would h ave tied it into the larger regional economy and went into an economical decline. But the Legacy of racism played a role; Jim Crow laws barred Blacks from voting and hampers Black laborers. Four Black people were lynched in a town in Oklahoma in 1910 Just another example of the western myth. All was not free all was not rich and all was not equal. Western expansion was not good for America. On the good side you had more land more money and who doesnt want that. One the bad side you had racism, discrimination hatred and distrust. But to get this land and wealth, was it necessary to steal it from Native, Mexican, Native Americans and Mexican Americans? Was it necessary to make laws to keep other people from getting their share of the pie?
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