Thursday, December 26, 2019
Summary Of Ray BradburysThe Vedlt - 893 Words
Specialists have noticed that children in the latest generations are spending a great deal of time on electronics, which is causing them to miss out on learning the basic skills needed for living a satisfying life. Many believe that parents who are giving electronics to children at an early age are the root of this problem. When parents do not engage much with their kids it can cause behavior problems such as self-control and underdeveloped communication skills. Ray Bradbury agrees with the all previous ideas and illustrates those messages in his short story â€Å"The Vedlt†. Bradbury combines the use of characterization and symbolism to emphasize how the role of the parents heavily influences the future actions of their children. Bradbury’s†¦show more content†¦His dependency on technology causes him to not be independent; if he continues living like this, he will not know how to survive without technology. This need for technology causes the addiction to intensify. Later on the page, Peter says â€Å"‘I don’t want to do anything but look and listen and smell. What else is there to do?’†This dialogue shows the lack of creativity in the children, there is so much more to life than what Wendy and Peter realize, and the high tech machinery is causing them to be oblivious to it. Bradbury characterizing Wendy and Peter as technology-obsessed children with absent parents establishes the reason why they allowed the nursery to take on the parenting role. They were just normal kids, who yearned for a parental influence, and since they could not get it from their biological parents, the nursery became their new parents. Peter and Wendy represent any kid who was given electro nics at an early age therefore; this situation can happen to anyone who allows technology to become a significant part of their life. Bradbury’s use of symbolism in â€Å"The Vedlt†help convey the idea of how the reaction of Peter and Wendy, when they got their technology taken from them, was very similar to the reactions a drug addict going through symptoms of withdrawal. It is believed by Lauren Villa, M.P.H. , that physical dependence is a symptom of drug abuse, â€Å"the changes in physiology that accompany this process leave people feeling badly or functioning
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
visit to an orphanage - 1138 Words
Preparing Your Family for an Orphanage Visit: Is Your Child Ready? C h e c klis t A d vic e f r o m T h e r a pis t s a n d E x p e rie n c e d P a r e n t s By Jean MacLeod An orphanage visit can be a beneficial event for an adoptee, providing a link to personal history and a grounded understanding of her life circumstances. It can also be an unpleasant, or even traumatizing experience, filled with anxiety and shock over what abandonment and institutionalization really mean. As Jane Liedtke stressed in P r e p a rin g f o r a H o m ela n d Visit , an orphanage visit should be planned, based on a child’s individual emotional and cognitive readiness. A child who is ready for enjoying the culture of her birth country may not be ready†¦show more content†¦3 †¢ Read Kid s Lik e M e in C hin a , A t H o m e in T his W o rld , W e S e e t h e M o o n and W h e n Y o u W e r e B o r n in C hin a aloud together, and use the photographs and illustrations in these books for jumping-off points for discussion. Ask open- ended questions that allow your child to interpret what she’s hearing and seeing, and to express her own thoughts. †¢ Prepare your child for encounters with special needs children. Talk about disabilities that keep a child in an orphanage, or medical conditions that might require an infant to have an IV, be on oxygen or recovering from surgery. Some babies might be in incubators. †¢ Orphanage smells or sounds can be powerful triggers to pre-verbal memories. Chinese music may be a positive trigger, while hearing crying babies could cause some children to shut down. De-sensitize by talking about what you may see, hear and smell at the orphanage in advance of your trip. †¢ Discuss the obvious fact with your daughter that in China she will be surrounded daily by other Chinese people; for a change she will be in the majority! Your child may enjoy this, or find this unnerving and fear getting lost in the crowd. †¢ After you, your adoption agency or your adoption travel agency has made an appointment for you with the Director of your child’s orphanage, be sure to follow up by mailing the Director a letter of introduction (in Chinese) and current photos of your family. IfShow MoreRelatedA Orphanage Trips By Aussie Schools Are Doing More Harm Than Good912 Words  | 4 PagesIn ‘Orphanage trips by Aussie schools are doing more harm than good’, published in The Conversation, Karleen Gribble argues to Australian Private School administrators to not allow students volunteer in orphanages because they are detrimental to the orphans wellbeing. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Soldier Boy free essay sample
Soldier Boy is a book about a young boy named Jim Martin, and how it was his dream to join the army and fight with the Australian troupes. However, Jim Martin was no ordinary soldier to join the military; he was the youngest at 14 years of age. The topic, which I am doing my essay on, is Solider Boy is a tragedy. This book shows why war is a tragedy, and what war does to families, and how adults and authorities make war seem more glorious. The book highlights how it was young boys dying during the war not older men. First Paragraph Solider boy is a tragedy because it shows what war does to families and how death and injury effects families and tears them apart. These soldiers were never advised about the dangers of war. They were never advised of the drastic effects to their near and dear ones. We will write a custom essay sample on Soldier Boy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Most of the time families were not strong enough to handle the stress and pain of seeing their loved ones going to war. Anthony Hill also informs the reader of Soldier Boys whose parents kept their grief and pain that the loss of a child causes them on the inside, in order to keep their families together. A quote on pg 8 shows that this is what Amelia did for her family. Amelia is the brick if the family in this time of desperation, and helps her family come to terms with Jim’s death. Second Paragraph Something that was quite sad in Solider Boy was that schools, adults and authorities made war seem more glorious than it actually was, and enticed young boys to join the army. Most adults made war seem like a sort of video game, you can play the game and nothing will happen to you. None of the adults explained to the young boys what it was like to see one of your team members die, or how to deal with their fellow soldiers rotting corpses in the trenches and how once you came to Gallipoli, if you did not like it there was no turning back. A quote on page 8 shows what the law thought was fit for young boys. Third Paragraph One of the main reasons of why Solider Boy is a tragedy is because it was young boys that were dying, and not older men. Young boys that had a whole future ahead of them, but had there life cut off because a bullet shot them, or they died of an illness. Jim Martin could have grown up and had a family, but instead his life was cut short because he died of typhoid. If it were, older men that were dying it would still be sad but not a tragedy, because they would have finished what they wanted to do and achieve in life. While some of the young, boys may not have even had a girlfriend. The quote on page 35 shows how young Jim Martin was. Conclusion In conclusion, I think that what war did to people and how adults handled it was quite sad, because it was teaching young people to fight and how violence and conflict is not the answer. Young Solider Boys should not have had to go through that, because all that it brought was grief, pain, suffering and stress. Solider boy is a tragic story that I hope will never be repeated again.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Why some states benefit from globalisation while others fall victim to it
Introduction The global economic crisis triggered a renewed interest in the process of globalisation and an analysis of whether increased interdependence among nations is actually all it has been cut out to be by its supporters.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why some states benefit from globalisation while others fall victim to it specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More An examination of the phenomenon Globalisation can be understood in various ways but for purposes of this analysis, it will the process by which technological, cultural and economic aspects of sovereign nations begin converging and becoming interdependent on one another (Burchill, 2008, 5). One of the most prominent depictions of globalisation is the interconnectedness of the world financial markets; a fact that contributed towards the world economic crisis. In economic terms, globalisation can also be seen through increased use of internet banking, cu rrency trading and the credit card phenomenon. Culturally speaking, globalisation is prevalent through continued Americanisation of the world, the use of the English language in several countries and spread of the Hollywood culture as well. Concepts like social networking websites, emails, global media and mobile technologies are also an important part of the phenomenon. Indeed exposure to global forces and convergence of distance and time have been one of the short term effects of this phenomenon. Despite these seemingly new additions, one must not imagine that globalisation is anything new. It has been in existence since the 20th century and was analysed or predicted by early scholars such as Karl Marx who asserted that the need to increase the forces of capitalism would eventually result in a unification of world entities. Globalisation should also not be seen as a combination of events; it is a combination of unrelated decisions made by authoritative entities in various nations of the world (Dickens, 2007, 8). Consequently, this explains why the phenomenon has as many supporters as it does sceptics. Sometimes globalisation can occur in reverse or may be manifested in a totally different way (Burchill, 2008, 189). Why globalisation produces winners Frieden (2006, 15) explains that the last one hundred years in the world’s history can provide valuable insights on globalisation. Some countries started benefiting from it especially in the first two decades of the twentieth century because at that time the movement of people around the world was prevalent thus facilitating growing times. Therefore, nations that spearheaded this rapid rise such as Great Britain were the ones who greatly benefited from it (Kampfner, 2005, 103). As years went by, market economics altered and new western nations took over. The United States started winning in this globalisation ‘game’ because they held a central role in the world economy after the Second World W ar. Their approach to economic management was quite workable because it appeared to benefit both the recipients and initiators of global exchanges (Warren, 2005).Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For instance, poorer countries would be encouraged to open up their borders to trade with the US and they would in turn benefit from increased aid during war and the like. Most importantly though, Frieden (2006, 237) shows that the United States was able to benefit from globalisation because it was in a position where it could effectively control the global economy through currency exchange. The dollar had become the currency upon which other currencies were standardised and this gave it an upper hand. Another element that led to the US’s growing benefits from globalisation was the issue of reducing transportation costs. This eventually led to a decrease in the prices of f actors of production and consequently, brought about greater prosperity and dependence between nations that traded with one another. The US alongside its partners from Asia could both grow from globalisation and this led to subsequent increments in their developments (Wolf, 2004, 28). The US was able to ‘win’ in the globalisation tussle because it spearheaded a series of elements that caused convergence. For instance, the use of supply chaining in its organisations led to great returns back in the US. Walmart is one such example; this company has used technology to coordinate shipping, distribution and other supply chains and this has led to its worldwide growth. Franchising from the latter country has also been responsible for placement of the US in the global map and hence their rapid growth (Friedman, 2006, 57). Conversely, Smith (2007, 154) argues that it is the spread of a hegemonic power that has contributed towards the US’s prominence in the global arena. In other words, the ideas behind colonialism continue to plague the United States which continues to focus on its need to dominate other societies. American society has always been at the forefront of many political changes in the world. It has a tendency to impose its ideas upon many nations and this creates a situation where it appears to be more prominent than others. In the last two decades, the United States was gaining from this domination because the world thought of it as an essential caretaker. The US reinforced those perceptions by advocating for human rights amongst oppressed nations, equality for minority groups and other freedoms. The world therefore looked at the US as a ‘big brother’ that was crucial in preserving world peace (Smith, 2007, 98). Its positive contributions therefore led to greater prominence in the world political arena and positive results thereof. Another state that has grown and benefited from globalisation is Russia. As Friedman (2006, 201) explains, the falling down of the Berlin wall was one of the critical flatteners of the world. In other words, the end of the cold war denoted the fall of communism and also indicated that the former Soviet Union could be open to world interchanges.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why some states benefit from globalisation while others fall victim to it specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Members of the former Soviet such as Russia were now able to access world markets and this eventually led to improvements in their economy. In fact, communism was seen as a threat towards the free flow of capital and factors of production in the world (Bisley, 2007, 94). Since this ceased to be a problem after the cold war, then countries that had not been participating in world trade could now be free to do so and this promoted greater levels of interaction. One state that has contributed greatly towards globalisation in the past two decades is China. The latter country, alongside other Asian nations became the preferred choices for off shoring and outsourcing among older economies. China was seen as a cheaper production source for manufactured goods and this caused many western based firms to offshore their production to the latter country. Countries in the west were also able to split costs of producing or delivering goods and services through outsourcing. China was seen as an ideal location for subcontracting. The country’s economy therefore grew by leaps and bounds and these trading activities reverberated across the globe. In other words, it benefited from globalisation because one of the critical drivers for globalisation i.e. cost cutting, could be achieved from China (Friedman, 20006, 79). Why globalisation produces losers As described earlier, a number of nations have been at the forefront of globalisation and they have therefore appeared to be winning. However, because of the changing patterns of this phenomenon, some countries that were previous winners have started experiencing the downside to globalisation and have therefore lost their ability to benefit from the growth. Smith (2007, 51) asserts that the US’s notion of being an empire has contributed to the latter scenario. In the past, the US presented itself as a philanthropic entity in the global scenario and this could cover up its hegemonic interests (Baylis et al., 2008, 19). However, when the latter changed, it became clear to the world that the US was propagating a hegemonic agenda that revolved around their interests rather than on human rights issues. A classic depiction of this matter was the war in Iraq (The US led 2002 invasion). It has been seen that such an invasion sought to advance the US‘s interests as directly and as unashamedly as is reasonably possible. The move to military methods by the US is an indication of a change from neoliberalism which had dominated the nineteen ninet ies to neo-conservatism (Smith, 2007, 177). The inability of markets to evaluate fundamentals has also contributed to the creation of losers in globalisation because this has reversed trends. Eichengreen (2008, 67) argues that many emerging economies heavily depended on exports in the twenty first century. They were forced to embrace the concepts of free trade because their economies are heavily relied on other nations. To this end, these nations were forced to rely on monetary policy to control their economies.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The problem with this approach was that it led to vulnerability to currency fluctuations which are quite unpredictable in the outside world. To this end, a country such as Thailand underwent this problem and its currency started going down. Eventually, other currencies in the region like South Korea were also affected (Zakaria, 2005, 7). This susceptibility to foreign currency fluctuations is what has caused a victimisation of nations to globalisation. Johnson (2009, 51) gives a thorough explanation of what has led to the crisis that the US is currently going through. Here, America had entered into agreements within the financial sector with many global lenders. Its overreliance on the financial and service sector also made it very vulnerable (Sirkin et. al, 2008, 57). Its lenders worried over its ability to deal with its rising debt levels and therefore stopped lending to them. In the end, major financial institutions like the Lehman brothers had to close and this led to greater ba nkruptcy in other spheres of the economy which were tied to the financial sector. The financial sector was propagated and grown by globalisation and therefore illustrates how globalisation can create a winner at one point and a looser at another. Rachman (2009, 14) believes that the interdependence of nations caused the economic crisis in one nation to spread to others dramatically. Financial markets are largely interlinked thus illustrating that an alteration in the New York Stock Exchange will be reflected in the Nikkei exchange as well. This means that the bankruptcy that started in US spread to other trading partners of the world (Held and Mc Grew, 2007, 109). Consequently, some sort of de-globalisation was recorded where nations reported lowering employment rates, reduced investment and increased protectionism. A number of developed nations like the UK and China have witnessed this and are therefore feeling the pinch of this phenomenon negatively (Naim, 2009, 30). Nonetheless, Tett (2009, 17) asserts that the problems of the global crises started with the continued greed prevalent amongst investment bankers who resisted government intervention and acted recklessly. Their financial gambles trickled into other spheres of their lives and eventually spread to global markets. So developing nations are losing this globalisation ‘game’ (Wade, 2008, 18). Ironically though, marginalised societies that were initially ignored in more successful times of globalisation are not as devastated with the financial crisis as developed nations because their resources were not as directly tied to these influential states as anticipated (Ghemawat, 2007, 15). Conclusion Globalisation caused immense victories when the world economy was stable and growing; however, after the global crisis, traditional winners have fallen victim to globalisation and must therefore reassess their reverence for this phenomenon. References Warren, B. (2005). The Great Leveling. Washingto n post, 6th September Ghemawat, P. (2007). Why the world is not flat. Growth strategies, 4th June Wolf, M. (2004). Why globalisation works. New haven: Yale university press Sirkin, H., Hemerling, J.,Bhattacharya, A. (2008). Globality: competing with everyone from everywhere for everything. NY: Business plus Kampfner. J. (2005). Inside the new superpowers. Guardian unlimited, May 15th Baylis, J., Smith, S. Owens, P. (2008). The globalisation of world politics. Oxford: OUP Zakaria, F. (2005). Wealth of yet more nations. New York Times , May 1st Scott Burchill, ‘The World Economy: Globalisation and Crises’, in Sally Totman and Scott Burchill (eds), Global Crises and Risks (Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. 187–201. Moisà ©s Naà m, ‘Globalization’, Foreign Policy, No. 171 (March–April 2009), pp. 28–34. Further Reading Nick Bisley, Rethinking Globalization (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007). Peter Dicken, Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Con tours of the World Economy (SAGE, 2007, 5th Ed.). Barry Eichengreen, Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System (Princeton University Press, 2008, 2nd Ed.) Jeffry A. Frieden, Global Capitalism: Its Fall and Rise in the Twentieth Century (W.W. Norton, 2007). Thomas L. Friedman, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century (Penguin, 2006, Updated and Expanded Ed.). David Held and Anthony McGrew (eds), Globalization Theory: Approaches and Controversies (Polity, 2007). Simon Johnson, ‘The Quiet Coup’, Atlantic Monthly, May 2009, pp. 46–56. Gideon Rachman, ‘When Globalisation goes into Reverse’, Financial Times, 2 February, 2009. Available at: Neil Smith, The Endgame of Globalization (Routledge, 2004). Gillian Tett, Fool’s Gold: How Unrestrained Greed corrupted a Dream, shattered Global Markets and unleashed a Catastrophe (Little, Brown. 2009). This essay on Why some states benefit from globalisation while others fall victim to it was written and submitted by user Bennett V. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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