Monday, September 30, 2019
A Forefather of TQM Principles: Kaoru Ishikawa Total Quality Management (TQM) principles are based off of the philosophies of numerous individuals – W. Edward Deming, Joseph Juran and Philip Crosby, to name a few. One such individual is Kaoru Ishikawa. Touted as the â€Å"Father of Quality Circles and as a founder of the Japanese quality movement†(Beckford, 2002), his philosophy on quality control is critical to understand TQM in general. Knowing the fundamentals/ building blocks of TQM can be used to shape the future direction and improvement of TQM.Ishikawa hoped his philosophy would improve quality in work, which in turn would lead to improvement in quality of life (Beckford, 2002). Ishikawa was born July 13, 1915. He graduated from the University of Tokyo where he received an engineering degree in Applied Chemistry. Later he would become a professor of the same University. After graduating, he joined the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) in 1949. Th is could be seen as the first steps he took towards developing his quality control philosophy and following in the footsteps of his father in Management Science (Hutchins, 1989. The core ideas of Ishikawa’s philosophy on quality control – companywide quality control (CWQC) – can be divided into three main concepts (Beckford, 2002). The first is that quality is based off of a holistic approach. The second core idea of Ishikawa’s philosophy is that there is active participation in the quality program amongst the employees. The third core idea is that there is direct, simple communication between management and workers. A holistic approach means that not only is the end product/service a quality product/service but also extends to the process that developed it.The end is just as important as the means. The company has a program in place that strives for quality management, quality workers and quality processes within all levels of the company. I think this c oncept of quality at all levels within a company is especially important in today’s society where it is not enough to know a company provides a quality product but is socially and environmentally conscious. For example, if a company has a quality process in place when choosing and working with certain suppliers – they lessen the chance of being surprised that the supplier uses child labor or contaminates the environment.Ishikawa’s second core idea of active participation among employees emphasizes the importance the workers. It’s not enough to have a quality program in place; the employees (including leadership) have to be involved and to have a voice within the company. This is based off of the idea that employees not only can recognize the problems in a process but also the solutions (Beckford, 2002). One of the main complaints that employees have is that management is not in touch with what they actually do so they don’t listen when there is a p roblem or a solution. Ishikawa’s second core idea looks to avoid this phenomenon.The last core idea of direct, open communication between workers and management rounds out Ishikawa’s philosophy on quality control. It stresses the importance of group communication to be understandable and in â€Å"layman terms†so it can be pertinent for all levels of the company. Ishikawa’s contributions to quality management were numerous. He wrote 600+ articles and 31 books (Smith, 2011). He had 2 English translated books – â€Å"Introduction to Quality Control†and â€Å"What is Total Quality Control? The Japanese Way†. He was also behind the concept of quality circles and the Fishbone Diagram.Quality circles can be seen as a method of creating active participation within a company. It shows how Ishikawa believed that â€Å"all workers must be involved in quality improvement through teams to enhance the capability of individual workers and improve work processes†(Watson, 2004). Quality circles are groups of workers within a company that is formed to review, analyze and make recommendations for issues and problems. The Fishbone diagram was developed in 1943 as a problem-solving tool and was used to identify possible root causes to problems in a simple and straightforward presentation.It is one of the seven tools of quality control that is recognized worldwide (Smith, 2011). While all the tools of quality control is important, this diagram can be used in numerous disciplines ranging from not only quality management, but science, education, etc. The other tools of quality control is Pareto Charts, Stratification, Check sheets, Histograms, Scatter graphs and Control charts (Beckford, 2002) Throughout his career, Ishikawa was the recipient of numerous awards. Per Beckford, he received the Deming, Nihon Keizai Press and Industrial Standardization prizes and the Grant Award from the American Society for Quality Control.Ishik awa’’s work also prompted an award to be given out in his honor. In 1993, ASQ established the Ishikawa Medal where it is awarded â€Å"to an individual or a team whose work has had a major positive impact on the human aspects of quality†(ASQ, 2012) Ishikawa passed away April 16, 1989. Although he is no longer with us, his work and his philosophy is still vibrant and in use today. Understanding the core concepts behind Ishikawa’s CWCQ sheds light on TQM principles. His philosophies help shape how companies today develop their quality control programs.Maybe from the lessons and philosophy of Ishikawa, a future TQM guru could emerge, giving the world another individual that further advances quality in work and ultimately in life. References Beckford, J. (2002). Part two: The quality gurus: Chapter 8: Kaoru Ishikawa. Quality (Routledge), pg. 93 – 104. Watson, G. (2004). The Legacy Of Ishikawa. Quality Progress, 37(4), 54-57. SMITH, J. (2011). The Last ing Legacy OF THE MODERN QUALITY GIANTS. Quality, 50(10), 40-47. Kaoru Ishikawa 1915-1989. (2010). Quality Progress, 43(11), 19. Bauer, K. (2005). KPI Identification With Fishbone Enlightenment.DM Review, 15(3), 12. Hackman, J. , & Wageman, R. (1995). Total Quality Management: Empirical, Conceptual, and Practical Issues. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40(2), 309-342. Hutchins, David. (1989). Obituary: Professor Kaoru Ishikawa. The Independent. April 26, 1989. http://asq. org/about-asq/who-we-are/bio_ishikawa. html http://asq. org/about-asq/awards/ishikawa. html (Evans, James R.. Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence, 8th Edition. South Western Educational Publishing, 01/2010. p. 110). <vbk:1111509360#outline(3. 7. 2)>
Sunday, September 29, 2019
American History Research Paper
Barbados – Barbados is an important part of the American history since it was an area where many sugar cane plantations where located. We all know that way back in the 17th century, large plantations like these were required a lot of workers. The manual labor came from the slaves from different tribes in Africa. Another concern was the displacement of farmers when British settlers developed the area into a commercial enterprise of large plantation estates. These displaced farmers relocated to British colonies in North America, most notable of which is South Carolina.West Africa – West Africa played an important role in the American history because this is the place where slave trades began, following the establishment of settlements by Portuguese traders. The slave trades had great negative effects on the region’s economy and population. Because of these slave trades, the population of West Africans poured in the New World. This increased the number of people liv ing in European and American regions during the 16th and the 17th century.Despite the efforts of the European and American governments to stop the slave trades, it continued until the late 19th century where the last country to abolish it was Brazil. Virginia Company – The Virginia Company is an important part of the American history because it was chartered to establish settlements on the coasts of North America. This is divided into two companies, the Virginia Company of London and the Virginia Company of Plymouth. These two companies are both given differing territories, wherein an area of overlapping territory was created.They were not permitted to establish colonies within a hundred mile separation, but the Plymouth Company wasn’t able to fulfill its charter. Its territory, now known as New England was also contested by France as theirs. Thomas Jefferson – Thomas Jefferson is famous because he’s the third President of the United States of America and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. He also promoted the ideals of Republicanism in the country, making him one of the most influential founding fathers of the United States.But his achievements weren’t limited to his contribution to American Independence. He is the President which gave a go to the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition. These events were very important since it expanded the nation’s territories by acquiring more land through expeditions and sales. The Louisiana Purchase encompassed parts of 15 current U. S. states as well as two provinces of Canada. The Church of England – The Church of England, also known as the Anglican Church and the Protestant Episcopal Church of today, was one of the major churches during the early years of America.It has a great number of followings, yet it wasn’t given relative treatment from many historians. The attention was given to the Puritans, those who rejected the Refor mation of the Church of England. Many of these Puritans migrated to North America between 1620s and 1640s because of their belief that the Church of England can never be reformed from the state it was in during that time. These Puritans settled in the New England area and established settlements there. Iroquois – The Iroquois is a group of originally five nations, including the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca.The sixth member is the Tuscarora, who joined after the original five were formed. During the American Revolution, there has been the first major split of the Iroquois, when the Tuscarora and the Oneida sided with the Americans. On the other hand, the Mohawk, Seneca, Onondaga and Cayuga remained loyal to the side of Great Britain. Massachusetts Bay Company – The Massachusetts Bay Company is an English chartered company which established the Massachusetts Bay colony in New England. They became the only English chartered colony which is not under the di rect control of those in England.Despite all efforts by the Council for New England to annul the colony’s land claim, the colony remained in tact and the council was left unsuccessful. Pocahontas – Pocahontas was a Native American woman who is formally named Matoaka and Amonute. She was the daughter of Wahunsunacock or the Chief Powhatan, the ruler of almost all the neighboring tribes found in the Tidewater region of Virginia. She played an important role in American history because she was married to John Rolfe, an Englishman.Their marriage is one of the first unions of a Native American and a settler just like Rolfe. She was baptized Rebecca Rolfe on her marriage. Powhatan – The Powhatan is the Native American tribe and confederacy of tribes living in what is now the east area of Virginia during the time of the first European-Native encounters there. This confederacy of neighboring tribes became established in the late 16th and 17th century, through the creati on of a mighty empire by conquering or affiliating with around 30 other tribes. This was spearheaded by a tribal chief name Wahunsunacock.When the English settlers came, there were a lot of conflicts between these Natives and the settlers. When the tribal head died and was succeeded by his brother, more conflicts emerged resulting to the Indian Massacre of 1622 and 1636, nearly exterminating the members of the tribes. Slave codes – The slave codes were laws made by each state which defines the status of slaves and the rights of their owners or masters. This is usually for the benefit of the masters, giving them near-absolute power over the right of these slaves or human properties.This is an important part of the American history since it showed how the early people were into owning other humans as tools, which also awakened others to fight for the freedom and rights of these â€Å"human properties†. Reformation – The Reformation is the religious movements that arise in the Western Europe in the 16th Century. This movement calls for the internal renewal of the Catholic Church. These led to great revolts and the abandonment of the principal Christian beliefs during that time.This was the result of Martin Luther’s activities in 1517. Indentured servant – The indentured servant is a term pertaining to a laborer which is under contract of an employer for a period of time, usually four to seven years. This is in exchange for a ship’s passage, food, land as well as accommodations. This is a way to increase the number of colonists living in a settlement. In the case of America, most indentured servants were recruited from the increasing number of poor people without work in the urban areas of England.English Reformation-Henry VIII – One of the reasons for the reformation of the English church was because of King Henry VIII. This resulted from his desire for annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon so that he wi ll be able to marry Anne Boleyn. When the Pope Clement VII refused to annul the marriage, Henry took the position of Supreme Head of the Church of England in order to annul his marriage. He was excommunicated but maintained a strong preference for the traditional Catholic practices.John Calvin and Martin Luther – John Calvin and Martin Luther are both church reformers, who sought change in the Catholic Church during their times. John Calvin developed his own system of Christian theology which was called Calvinism or the Reformed Theology. On the other hand, Martin Luther laid out his ideologies which challenged the authority of the pope. He pointed that salvation can be attained through Jesus, without the mediation from the Church. His ideas became the inspiration of what transpired to be the Protestant Reformation, thus changing the course of the Western civilization.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Patient- Centered Framework Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Patient- Centered Framework - Article Example The aspects that governed patient autonomy are varied and studies have investigated them. Freedom which has been specified as positive and negative, paternalism, patient’s dignity, integrity of actions by nurses and partial paternalism are subjects that have been investigated by researchers. The influence of issues on the ethical practices of the nursing profession and the difficulties experienced has been evaluated. The problem of getting informed consent from the patients has been one issue of significance and faced everyday by the nurse. The problem of medical paternalism was another issue which disturbed the atmosphere of caring. This paper explores the qualitative content of four studies and compares them critically so as to highlight the issues involved in the ethical administration of caring for all types of patients ranging from home care through nursing home care, hospital care and care for post-operative patients, medical patients and elderly patients. The first arti cle has been focused upon and the others are taken for comparison for highlighting the concept of autonomy and how it influenced nursing care in a patient –centered framework. Moser et al (2007) reviewed 1236 studies involving patient autonomy and how nurses supported it and selected 6 of them: 2 on homecare, 1 on nursing-home care and 3 on hospital care. The researchers had found that patient autonomy consisted of two types of freedom: negative and positive (Moser et al, 2007). Negative freedom had allowed the patient freedom of action without an outsider’s interference. Positive freedom had indicated that freedom was attained through one’s convictions and individuality. Theories that had supported negative freedom focused on self- care and self-governance. Those that had supported positive freedom focused on caring, identification, communication and achievement of goals. The patient autonomy had been studied in home care, nursing home care and in hospital sett ings. A mixed approach with both negative and positive freedom was appreciated by patients (Moser et al, 2007). Nurses could not follow a single model for all actions in patient autonomy because actions varied according to the situation. They had to derive knowledge for interaction through previous experience. Nurses had been described as professional care-givers for chronically ill people. The shared care model was one which required patients to participate in the management of their condition. Patient autonomy had an ethical perspective. Nurses guided the patient to practice autonomy by helping them to make their own decisions (Moser et al, 2007). For autonomy with positive freedom, the nurses collaborated actively with the patients. Positive freedom required social relationships for practicing autonomy. A patient with less autonomy tended to be bullied by interfering persons. For a patient to be autonomous, he had to be at liberty to make choices. Nurses were able to provide inte rventions only if consent was secured. Orem’s self-care theory indicated that nurses needed to help the patient to resume his autonomy by self-care principles. Four phases of caring had been identified: caring about, taking care of, care giving and care receiving (Moser et al, 2007). The moral qualities of attentiveness, responsibility, competence and responsiveness had been associated with them. The relationship between the patient and nurse flourished using these moral qualities so that appropriate choices were made as
Friday, September 27, 2019
Describe and explain the nature and purpose of a Cathlic School, Essay
Describe and explain the nature and purpose of a Cathlic School, according to documents published by the Catholic Church - Essay Example Catholic schools have been developed with a different aim and have been able to provide excellent education for several decades. The main aim of this paper is to discuss the nature and purpose of Catholic education as per the documents published by the Catholic Church. In order to gain a clear perspective of the nature and the purpose of Catholic Education, a brief background and history has been discussed. Following this, a detailed discussion of nature and purpose has been presented. History of Catholic Education: Catholic schools are ‘Permeated by Faith’. In 1823, the Benevolent Irish Society opened up a school in St John’s to help poor people as a form of charity. This school was originally known as Orphan Asylum School, and went on to be used by Roman Catholics and Bishop Anthony Fleming. One of the major concerns then was the non-support from the Government to provide any form of financial support to the school (From Slate to Chalk, n.d.). Of great concern t o Bishop Fleming was the government’s refusal to help the Orphan Asylum financially, despite the fact that it was the islands largest school and other denominational schools were receiving government support (From Slate to Chalk, n.d.). ... In 1842 saw the development of a new act which was based on dividing the grant for the schools evenly between the Roman Catholics and Protestants (From Slate to Chalk, n.d.). As time passed several changes and improvements were brought about in the schooling systems and by the mid twentieth century, the focus was now on improving the overall facilities in the schools and making them more effective, in terms of provisions like electricity, water supply and convenience for the students (McBrien, 1994). However throughout the improvements that were being made, the main focus of the schools was on discipline and need for well grown individuals. The next section will detail the nature of catholic education. Nature of Catholic Education: As per the Vatican II document – Gravissimum Education, the nature of Catholic schools has been expressed as: â€Å"The Catholic school pursues cultural goals and the natural development of youth to the same degree as any other school. What makes t he Catholic school distinctive is its attempt to generate a community climate in the school that is permeated by the Gospel spirit of freedom and love. It tries to guide the adolescents in such a way that personality development goes hand in hand with the development of the 'new creature' that each one has become through baptism. It tries to relate all of human culture to the good news of salvation so that the light of faith will illumine everything that the students will gradually come to know about the world, about life, and about the human person†(Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association, 1996). Clearly, Catholic schools tend to be inclined towards spiritual development as well as intellectual development (Robinson, 1996). As per the document from
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Cold War and McCarthyism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Cold War and McCarthyism - Essay Example Social movements are, for the most part, centered on ideological shifts in society. For instance, the Red Scare of the 1940s and 1950s came about through fear of radical ideologies emerging from the Soviet Union and around the world. At this point in history, the Cold War produced fear from Americans, who constantly contemplated the possibility of nuclear war with the philosophically corrupt Soviets: a nation that the United States saw as antithetical to American values like individualism and market economies. Paired with political pressure to root out Soviet spies in the government, the Red Scare erupted and played out in scenes all over the country. The interaction of this public force with the arts community of Hollywood, however, produced the most interesting social dynamic of the whole Red Sca Politicians for possible affiliations with the socialist cause targeted film directors, playwrights, and other left-leaning artists of the era. This led to a portrayal of American society in a negative light in the artwork of these people, which has since surfaced as valuable and telling about this dark period in American history. As an example, the playwright Arthur Miller created a play in 1953 about the Salem Witch Trials called The Crucible, solely as an allegory to McCarthyism and as an attack on the Red Scare phenomenon.Joseph McCarthy, who is singled out more than any other figure in the history of the Red Scare,was a prominent Senator from the state of Wisconsin during the time... ed disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having Communist ties†(Black & Hopkins, 2003). Although created in 1938, a few years before the start of World War II, the HUAC gained most of its influence during the Cold War. The HUAC often wielded its power to subpoena witness and hold people in contempt of Congress, and it pressured witnesses to surrender names and other information that could lead to the apprehension of Communists and Communist sympathizers. The Committee would brand witnesses as the enemy should they ever refuse to comply in answering questions. Joseph McCarthy used this â€Å"redbaiting†style of questioning and punishment during his own investigative hearings. Although these hearings lacked substantive proof or reason, not answering questions was treated as an admission of guilt. For this reason, countless numbers of people who appeared before the Committee during the 1940s and 1950s were â€Å"blacklisted†(Black & Hopkins, 2003). The term â€Å"blacklisting†refers generally to the process of registering individuals who, for some reason, are being denied a particular privilege or right. During the Red Scare, members of the Hollywood artistic community were blacklisted for not complying with the HUAC. The public lost faith in these towering figures in the movie industry. Parents did not want their children to see a movie in which the writer or the lead actor was a suspected communist. Some film directors, writers, and actors were put into financial ruin because of their inability to work. One of these figures was Arthur Miller, a famed playwright who wrote such works as Death of a Salesman and All My Sons. Miller found himself blacklisted when he refused to testify
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Nursing Scopes of Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nursing Scopes of Practice - Essay Example "In 1978, Michigan legislature combined all laws regulating health personnel into one statute consolidating the legal framework for nursing in the Michigan Public Health Code, rather than a separate Nurse Practice Act." (Licensed Practical Nurse: Scope of Practice - Michigan, p 1). Significantly, the Michigan Board of Nursing makes use of the various rules governing nursing found in the Occupational Codes and in the Administrative Rules of Nursing and they serve as the guidelines to issue licenses and promote the health, safety and welfare of the public. As some state laws describe the scope of practice succinctly while others go into great detail, there is an important need for clarity of the scope of practice. The scope of practice for the nurses has improved substantially over the years and scope of practice in Michigan is an example of this change. The Occupational Regulation Sections of the Michigan Public Health Code Act 368 of 1978 provides the definition of nursing in Michigan, which serves as the legal scope of practice statement. In Michigan, the RNs are licensed to practice independently within this scope and the nurse practitioner's practice within a scope of practice is defined by their specialty education and training. "The depth of scope of practice is further defined by the knowledge base of the nurse practitioner, the role he/she is in, and the client population within the practice environment. The American Nurses Association has developed two publications to assist nurse practitioners in explaining their scope of p ractice: Scope and Standards of Advanced Practice Registered Nursing and Standards of Clinical Practice and Scope of Practice for the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner." (Nurse Practitioner Frequently Asked Questions). The generic functions applicable to most nurse practitioner roles include: Comprehensive physical examination and health assessment, promotion and maintenance of health, prevention of illness and disability, management of health care during common acute and stable chronic illnesses, assessment of clients that includes analysis, synthesis, and application of nursing theories and modalities, and health counseling and guidance etc. In order to comprehend the nurse practice acts, scope of practice for nursing, and Public Health code etc of Michigan, it is essential to compare it with other states. Thus, nurse practice acts for the state of Texas have distinctive features. The Texas Board of Nursing recognizes that advanced nursing practice is dynamic and it argues that the scope of advanced practice evolves through experience, acquisition of knowledge, evidence-based practice, technology development and changes in the health care delivery system. "Scope of practice is defined as the activities that an individual health care provider performs in the delivery of patient care. Scope of practice reflects the types of patients for whom the advanced practice nurse can care; what procedures/activities the advanced practice nurse can perform; and influences the ability of the advanced practice nurse to seek reimbursement for services provided." (Guidelines for Determining APN Scope of Practice). Various aspects are esse ntial in determining the scope of practice Texas, including advanced practice education in a role and specialty, legal implications, and the scope of practice statements as published by national professional specialty and advanced practice
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8
Analysis - Case Study Example Consequently, the inventor of the business idea faces the challenge of losing full control in running the business. Nigel Galler, the founder and CEO of Movirtu Limited, faces the equal challenges in financing the expansion and development of the start-up business. One of the challenges that Movirtu Limited is facing in raising is convincing the impact investors the investment has a positive social impact on the targeted markets and is economically viable. The impact investors can only finance a business if it has the potential for empowering the impoverished communities while ensuring it is financially profitable (WDI 8). Accordingly, Movirtu Limited has to demonstrate to the impact investor namely the GreyGhostVentures (GGV) how the business will promote the welfare of the poor communities if the financing arrangement by the TLcom Capital is accepted. In addition, the business model employed in running the business by integrating TLcom Capital has to prove it is a viable business to attract the financial support from the impact investors. Another challenge that is been faced by Movirtu Limited in raising financial capital is convincing the venture capitalistic TLcom Capital on the potential of the business in generating profit in future under the social impact requirement of GGV. The financial support sustainability from the venture capitalists can only be sustained if they are convinced, the business idea will generate adequate revenue and grow in future (WDI 8). However, the target market for Movirtu Limited has high risk due to the purchasing power of the targeted consumers. In addition, the revenue margin that Movirtu Limited expects to receive from the actual price of the service compared to the financial resources consumed is considerably low. Thus, the ability of Movirtu Limited in winning the confidence of the venture capitalistic is relatively challenging. Moreover, the acceptance of venture capitalist in financing
Monday, September 23, 2019
Deforestation Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Deforestation Crisis - Essay Example However, money has influenced activities that lead to deforestation. In the US landowners are lured by the money generated from logging. They have sold forested acres to logging companies and developers aim at building housing complexes to form urban sprawl. Kenya is a periphery country, which according to world’s system theory, may be controlled by other states and has the weak central government. Just like other periphery countries, it depends on and exports raw materials to the superior states known as the core countries. However, Kenya suffers from deforestation just like the US. Over 100,000 hectares of its largest Mau forest is a victim of deforestation. The largest driver of deforestation in the region is the growing demand for construction timber due to infrastructural development in the country. However, factors like the need for charcoal fuel, expanding farming land and demand for settlement have also contributed to the deforestation in Kenya (Spilsbury 12). Kenya an d United State of America have correspondingly taken steps to help restrain the issue of deforestation. For instance, both governments have passed strict rules regulating the harvesting of trees in the forest and tough penalties for those who disobey the rules (Spilsbury 32). Similarly, the non-governmental organizations have also joined in the fight to curb deforestation in the two countries. The Green Belt Movement founded by the Nobel Prize winner Wangari Mathai has played a huge part in reducing deforestation of the Mau forest in Kenya.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Just and Unjust Ruler in Plato's Republic Article
Just and Unjust Ruler in Plato's Republic - Article Example It covers the questions about nature and about human and the soul of the human, and the cognition, and about the socio-political system, and the language, and art, sculpture, painting, music, eloquence, and education. The socio-political philosophy of Plato, his theory of politics, is an integral part of Plato’s philosophy. The world of ideas is an ontological framework and the semantic context of world affairs and phenomena, according to Plato’s idealism, therefore, the idea emerges as guidelines, standards, model and an example of organizing. The socio-political issues are reflected in several works by Plato: â€Å"Republic†, â€Å"Laws†and â€Å"Politics†. In these works he discusses the model of ideal and the best state, according to the philosopher; it is a perfect reflection of the essence, the implementation of the ideas of the world. Highlighting the project of an ideal, just state, Plato speaks about the connection of the cosmos as a whole, the state, and the individual human soul. The three principles of human souls are rational, violent and lusting. These principles are very similar to the state three beginning - deliberative, protective and business and the latter correspond to the three classes - the rulers, warriors, and producers (craftsmen and farmers). (Marinoff,2000) â€Å"What is justice?†- Plato asked in his most famous work â€Å"Republic†. In this dialogue, he describes a dinner at the house of the merchant with the presence of Socrates and several other characters. From time to time Socrates interferes into a conversation, and the company agrees that there is no reason to discuss the notion of justice without regard to society. Socrates then begins to describe his idea of a just society. The early dialogues by Plato in which Socrates is present, usually contain the ideas of Socrates. In the middle and later dialogues, there is some transformation, and the ideas uttered by Socrates belong to Plato. â€Å"
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Taming of the Shrew Essay Example for Free
The Taming of the Shrew Essay The servants in the play are mainly dopey and dim-witted. They fool around stage acting stupidly and behaving erratically. As the majority of the audiences would not have had a proper education, so they would rely on these exaggerated actions and visual antics. An example of this would be when Petruchio returns home after the wedding, only to find his servants gossiping. A frantic scene follows where the servants all end up falling over each other etc. This kind of foolish behaviour would have entertained un-educated Elizabethan audiences. All comedies by Shakespeare follow the same simple structure, similar to all other plays. The play starts with an exposition stage, which is when the story emerges and things start to go wrong and get out of hand. Next is the complication stage, which is when the play becomes even more complicated and everyone appears stuck. However, finally is the resolution stage where all the problems are solved. In tragedy plays, the play ends with the death of the hero or heroine, but in the majority of comedy plays, the play ends with a marriage. The tangled plot has been unwoven and problems solved. Petruchio immediately sets out to tame Katherina and her wild personality. Not only is he physically stronger than her, he is also wittier this is constantly apparent as he persistently winds Kate up: Pet. You lie, in faith for you are calld plain Kate, And bonny Kate, and sometimes Kate the curst; But Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom. Kate of Kate Hall, my super-dainty Kate, In this quotation, Petruchio is outlining his superiority over Katherina by winding her up by being patronising. After a direct order to not call her Kate, Petruchio goes on to persistently call her Kate to show his power. This not only annoys her, but weakens her and wears her down. He shows that he is not afraid to confront her making it clear from the outset that he is out to tame her. Petruchios methods of taming Katherina would appear disrespectful to modern audiences however they would have merely been humorous to Elizabethans. Throughout the play, the taming process continues, becoming more severe as the play progresses. At one point, Petruchio starves Kate, and deprives her of sleep to physically weaken her. Much of Petruchios speeches consist of cs and ks. This harsh phonology could suggest his dominance. Also, the majority of Kate repetitions are stressed using iambic pentameter. After a long taming period, Kate eventually caves in. She begins to realize that the only way she is going to get what she wants is to agree with what ever Petruchio says. Kat: Young budding virgin, fair and fresh and sweet Pet: Why, how now Kate. I hope thou are not mad. This is a man, old, wrinkled, witherd This is said directly after Petruchio comments there a beautiful young woman present. This also adds comedy to the play, as the person being addressed is in fact an old rather fat man, nothing like a beautiful young woman. This is a pivotal moment in the play as it is the turning point, where Katherina finally gives into Petruchios unrelenting taming process. After this, Petruchios taming of Kate is complete.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Middle-Aged
Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Middle-Aged Community Care Plan: Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Middle-Aged to Elderly Populations in Mesquite Assessment Community Nursing DX: Increased risk for cardiovascular disease in middle aged to elderly populations in the Mesquite (75150) related to the behavioral health habits as evidenced by leading cause of mortality statistics (heart disease,, higher rates of smoking/excessive alcohol consumption relative to state (, increased rate of physical inactivity relative to state (, prevalence of sedentary occupations (, the inadequacy of nutritional status and fitness facilities (;, and a lack of programs that offer educational materials about the disease [no programs found in Mesquite (75150) via online search]. Community Goal: There will be a decrease in Dallas County (which includes 75150) in behavioral risk factor surveillance percentage for cardiovascular disease from 8.6% (in 2010 survey) to 8.0%. Nursing Interventions Rationale Community Outcome Criteria Evaluation Possible Solutions Leading cause of mortality is heart disease; 3,218 deaths/13,966 from all diseases; behavioral risk factor surveillance for 2010 for MI 4.5 % which is highest of all metropolitan areas in TX; for CV disease 8.6%, which is within the top 3 ( Management, business, science and art occupations constitute 27.8% of occupations; sales and office occupations constitute 30.4% (other occupations more active than these sedentary occupations;; 9 parks in 75150 ( Adult smoking- 16%, BMI over 30 31%, persons over 20 years reporting no leisure time physical activity 25% binge plus heavy drinking 14% ( Need more information to assess nutrition besides income ($46,788; residents below poverty level 12.1%,; data needed in regards to city rather than county access to recreational facilities 7, limited access to healthy foods 8%, fast food restaurants 53% ( 8.3% unemployed; 82.5% high school or higher; 19.4% bachelors or higher; 5.8% graduate/professional degree (; Preventable hospital stays -59 | ratio of residents to PCPs 1,585:1 | uninsured 31% ( Assess for for risk factors such as family history, sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, imbalanced diet, smoking, access to appropriate medical care, and health literacy level; also provide primary prevention by assessing middle aged and older populations without cardiovascular disease. Assessment of risk factors is essential for early detection of heart disease. Hearts For Life: A Community Program on Heart Health Promotion (2003). Retrieved from data/interventio nmica/HeartDisea seandStroke/3118 .pdf Residents will be screened for factors contributing to cardiovascular disease at local churches, senior centers, nursing homes, assisted living, libraries, recreation centers, etc. Nurses will provide proper follow up and referral for results of concern as well as provide education in regards to specific risk factors and how to control modifiable risk factors. Middle-aged and elderly residents will be asked about their known risk factors on initial screening during Fall 2014. Residents will also be asked about how they can personally change their modifiable risk factors in regards diet, behaviors, exercise. Will request follow up on health status at next available screening time (every 6 months at a specific location; varied locations for screenings and assessments throughout the year). Will also request that families attend with younger members to initiate primary prevention and aid in care and involvement in elderly residents health. Residents at higher risk will be assessed further and provided with references to a preferred clinic site or physician depending on each residents financial status. Refer to assessment data above; More information needed on specific HTN prevalence, high cholesterol prevalence; Personally observed data at CC-Young Retirement Community: Many residents unaware of what medication they are taking, especially if they are not self-administering, some even unaware of having HTN or high cholesterol. Conduct blood pressure screenings at local churches, senior centers, nursing homes, assisted living, libraries, recreation centers, etc. Reducing risk factors for CV disease include evaluation of BP. Example of Evidence Based Interventions at a Glance (n.d.). Retrieved from data/interventionmica/Heart DiseaseandStroke/index_5.html Residents will be screened regularly at listed locations on a monthly basis for blood pressure. Resident will be told and educated about normal and abnormal ranges, signs and symptoms to watch out for (chest pain, SOB dizziness, fatigue, sweating), and how to self-assess with a sphygmomanometer if at higher risk/have abnormals. Residents will also be provided follow up and referral locations if higher risk/have abnormals. Residents will be quizzed verbally on normal/abnormal blood pressure readings at the end of screenings on that same day. They will also be able to list at least 3 adverse signs and symptoms associated with cardiovascular disease, at the end of screening that day. For higher risk residents, will have them demonstrate how to take blood pressure. Will request resident to bring family members to come to next screenings so they can also learn to take blood pressure. Those residents at higher risk will be assessed further and provided with references to a preferred clinic site or physician depending on each residents financial status. If possible with funding for supplies, provide free supplies for self-checking. More information needed about programs offered at said locations, need to advertise to public. 9 parks in 75150 (; 4 recreation centers in Mesquite ( Exercise programs offered at local churches, senior centers, nursing homes, assisted living, recreation centers, fitness centers, etc. FAME fitness program show to be effective in reducing CV risks. Example of Evidence Based Interventions at a Glance (n.d.). Retrieved from data/interventionmica/Heart DiseaseandStroke/index_5.html Residents will be able to participate in exercise programs and calculate a target heart rate and taking pulse for exercise. Instructors will provide evaluations of exercise skills taught during classes as well as surveying the frequency of residents personal exercise schedule. Residents will be evaluated of their physical progress over a 6 week time span for achieving their target heart rate during exercise. Provide incentives to return to exercise classes, such as rewards for achieving target rate like gift cards or prizes. Refer to assessment data above; More information needed on specific nutritional food access, dietary choices, height/weight, daily food consumption. 1 Wal-Mart, 1 Kroger, 1 Albertsons in 75150; other listed business include many fast food restaurants ( Dietary education at local churches, senior centers, nursing homes, assisted living, recreation centers, libraries, fitness centers. CARDES dietary programs have shown to be effective in decreasing rates of CV disease. Example of Evidence Based Interventions at a Glance (n.d.). Retrieved from data/interventionmica/Heart DiseaseandStroke/index_5.html Residents will be able to give 24 hour recall for assessment of diet and be recommended appropriate portions and amount of food based off of MyPlate. Portions, ingredients, etc. will be modified for those with HTN and diabetes. Will also offer referrals to dieticians. Residents will give an example of a healthy meal by drawing and/or verbalizing their own MyPlate. Residents will inform on how the food was prepared, where the ingredients would be bought and if those ingredients are within their budget. For those who may not be able to afford at the typical grocery, will offer information on local food banks and food stamp programs. Finding locations where nutritional foods are offered. Assessing locations that give away free food such as churches and senior centers for nutrition is important; providing instruction about preparation of food in a healthy manner is critical to dietary health. Refer to data from above in regards to smoking rate in Dallas county; More information needed on tax funds used from cigarette purchases and accurate pricing of average cost of cigarettes. Cheaper brands of cigarettes, ~$4; more expensive brands ~$5 ( Work with law makers to increase prices of cigarettes and use of increase in net tax for antismoking education campaign. Study of the impact of $0.25 increase in price with California Tobacco Program that allocated $0.05 for anti-tobacco educational campaign. Showed a decrease of 2.93 deaths per 100,000 per year and decrease in amount of packs smoked to 2.72. New York Academy of Medicine (n.d.). A compendium of proven community- based prevention programs. Retrieved from /assets/files/NYAM_Compendium.pdf Residents who smoke will cut down the amount of packs of cigarettes bought per week. In an anti-smoking campaign, will educate residents on how much money could be saved by cutting down. Will also offer education of alternatives for quitting in antismoking campaigns like nicotine patches and gum. Referring to local government data on cigarette sales to evaluate the amount of sales (if not decreased), noting for the increase in price, and use of net tax funds for allocation of educational programs. Petitioning with support of local residents for distribution of tax funds towards educational programs on smoking. Also working with public health center to work with government to offer incentives to cigarette companies to raise prices can be a possible solution. Personal experience of finding information and programs offered regarding CV disease and health in 75150 and Mesquite: poor, not much information via internet, radio or TV; only current mass public media span observed regarding health are acetaminophen precautions. More information needed on listings in local newspapers. Mass media campaign; commercials about health statistics regarding CV disease, educational programs, aspirin/NTG medication education over billboards, radio, TV, newspaper, internet. The Stanford Five-City Project mass media program along with other programs saw decreases in BMI, HTN, glucose and CV risk factors. New York Academy of Medicine (n.d.). A compendium of proven community- based prevention programs. Retrieved from Residents will be more informed about reducing CV risk via information through the media about dietary changes, exercise, etc. Evaluation via use of government data on decrease in mortality rates, statistics. Also if using online media, provide surveys for feedback of helpfulness. Increased awareness in the media driven society can affect peoples perspectives on health. Currently there is only a ban on just bars and restaurants in Mesquite; there is no state wide regulated ban on workplace (;; More information needed on lists of specific businesses and workplaces that do allow smoking. Working with lawmakers to ban smoking within all enclosed workplaces. A worksite intervention program targeting individuals who smoke saw a decrease in the amount of people who smoked, reduction in diastolic BP and reduction in cholesterol. New York Academy of Medicine (n.d.). A compendium of proven community- based prevention programs. Retrieved from /assets/files/NYAM_Compendium.pdf There will be a decrease in the prevalence of smoking in the workplace. Evaluation will not be done if enacted into law; evaluation by law enforcement and fines. There are surveys and petitions that can be taken in support of banning smoking in all workplace facilities; there is a current survey that indicates widespread support of state wide law (
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Rocketry :: Essays Papers
Rocketry, the use of rocket power as a propulsion mechanism, has changed the boundaries of man’s domain.Before the advent of efficient rocket power, space flight was seen as an impossibility and exclusively the subject of science fiction stories.The nature of rocket power changed in the early twentieth century when a man named Robert Hutchings Goddard focused his research and his entire life on efficient rocket propulsion.Rocket power had been thought of long before Goddard’s time, but he was the first to have success with it. The earliest record of rocket propulsion dates to 1232 CE from China.Chinese Chronicles of the battle of Kai-Feng make mention of a â€Å"flying fiery arrow†that was used during battles â€Å"with telling effect against invading Mongol hordes†(xiii Goddard & Pendray).This object was a form of what we now call fireworks that was packaged with more propellant.During the middle ages, other objects were adapted from the Chinese invention in many other countries and were also used as a weapon to confuse, and to a lesser extent attack, the enemy.This practice was continued into the late eighteen hundreds. Rocketry did not progress greatly for a long time after its first uses.The next large advancement came from Hermann Ganswindt (1856-1934) of Germany.Ganswindt was a failed lawyer whose real passion was for science.He predicted rocket propulsion in theory and made the first design that was sound in principle in 1891.Ganswindt proposed his ideas to the German War Ministry, but was sadly rejected and was looked on as a non-professional scientist trying to do professional work.He had made the underlying theory that is used in modern space ships, but the theory was â€Å"too far in advance of his time for it to be understood†(23 Gartmann).Subsequently, Ganswindt had no success or advancement in the field and lost all his money in the aftermath of World War I preceding his death in 1934. Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of motion had been published and widely known for quite some time by this point, but Konstantin Tsiolkovski saw that the third law of motion provided the mechanism for successful rocket propulsion in space.In 1898, Tsiolkovski completed and published The Exploration of Cosmic Space by Rocket.The book meticulously and rigorously set forth the calculations associated with rocket propulsion.This act was the mathematical quantification of rocketry.When the calculations are examined, the physics of the propulsion showed that a liquid fuel, as opposed to a solid or composite propellant, would prove to be a more efficient power source and Tsiolkovski asserted that a liquid fuel would be necessary.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Binary Oppisition Essay -- Greek, Corinthian Women
Binary Opposition In Greek tragedy there are many themes that are contrasted with each other. This is known as binary opposition, which s defined as a contrast of themes that are the opposite poles of each other. There are many conflicts in Euripides’ Medea and Bacchae: perhaps the three most conspicuous oppositions are rational versus irrational, foreigner versus natives, and stereotypical dichotomy of female and male. The first binary opposite in Euripides plays are rational versus irrational thinking, his characters are changing constantly within the plays; there are a couple of characters that stays in a rational thinking which they do not favor any side of the conflict. In Medea, Euripides showed rational thinking through the Chorus, who are married Corinthian women; they lend Medea support in time of need and gives advice as a friend and not as foe, when she would talk and act irrationally (Medea 173-82). The Chorus does agree that â€Å"[Jason] wrongs and betrays†Medea by breaking their oath of marriage (Medea 131-42; 208, MLA unit 6 info from). But they do not take it to the extreme thinking as Medea does and explains to her that if she does go through with her plans of revenge that â€Å"no city, no friend, will pity [Medea’s] pain†(Medea 657-58). The Chorus even advises her that killing her children and her enemies is wrong and just to â€Å"give up [her] plan[s]â € (Medea 813). In the same way, Euripides’ play the Bacchae has rational and irrational thinkers, they are Cadmus the old king and Tiresias the prophet, and on the contrary of rational is the irrational thinkers who are Pentheus the current king and Dionysus the god. Cadmus and Tiresias are the only two men who stay rational throughout the play. They agree that there is ... ...ety. In Euripides play Medea, she uses the stereotype of woman to gain trust, an extra day in Corinth, and what is expected of the men and women in society. The conversation between Creon and Medea, â€Å"[he] orders [her] to go from this land,†but Medea starts to use the submissive woman on the king as to gain a day. She told the king†not to be afraid of me, Creon, I haven’t the means to do harm to men who are the rulers,†and manipulating king to let her stay one more day in Corinth because of her children to â€Å"have pity on them!†(271-356). In fact, Medea manipulates Jason by asking him to take the kids and not allowing them to be exiled out of Corinth’s. Medea uses that even gifts â€Å"persuades the gods and that gold is stronger than gold,†to trust her in giving a gift to his new bride as â€Å"[the] spirit of luck is with her†¦ [to] grow her fortune more†(947-975).
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Domestic Violence Against Women in Canada Essay -- Violence Against Wom
Introduction Intimate partner violence has been a significant issue for centuries in all countries. "Since 1974, nearly 2,600 spousal homicides have been recorded in Canada" (Bunge, 2002). Of these homicides, more than three-quarters have been against women. Although through feminism and the women's liberation movement, there has been a slight improvement in the incidences of violence against women, there has also been a drastic change in the perception of the issue by society. After reviewing the most recent literature on violence against women and victimization through intimate partners, it has become prevalent that there are now two crucial stances that are taken. The first position is that of the women being victimized as the main issue, including prevention, causes and incidences. The second position is that of women becoming more 'aggressive' and the issue of violence against both men and women. "Wife battering- the original problem constituted by the 1970s feminists- has morphed in to 'domestic violence' and then into 'husband abuse'" (Minaker, 2006). This literature review will examine the background information on intimate partner violence including different arguments and perspectives, theories, and methodologies as well as discuss the major findings and future directions of research. Background Discoveries and Key Concepts The most notable discovery or key concept behind intimate partner violence with women as victims, would be that the overall rates have seen a general decrease. As found in the National Trends in Intimate Partner Homicide report, "Spousal homicide rates for both women and men have declined between 1974 and 2000" (Bunge, 2002). Many of the authors discussed present different perspecti... ...nd incidence of such violence, there still seems to be gaps amongst the research that creates links to other aspects of IPV. By providing a further analysis of how women go from being the victim to the offender, it may create a more realistic understanding of why the recent intimate partner homicide/violence rates for women offenders has increased. Perhaps society needs to not see females as become more serious 'aggressors' and 'bad girls' but rather as women who are finally fighting back. By relating the social learning theory, the self defense theory as well as the male proprietariness theory to intimate partner violence it creates a more thorough understanding of the causes and affects of this form of violence. Conceivably, future directions of research on intimate partner violence should investigate the reasoning behind this new 'husband abuse' phenomenon.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Comparison of Topload vs Frontload Washing Machines
Front Load: * Because of the faster spin speeds, it will extract more water from the clothes allowing them to go into the dryer with less water. You will dry clothes faster while using less energy * The clothes tumble much like in a dryer, and because of this, the washing machine does not use as much water. You will use up to 40% less water than a comparable top load machine. Over time this will offset the initial difference in price between front load and top load machines * Better Cleaning. Because of the tumble action, water will pass through the clothes considerably more often than top load machines.Clothes will come out cleaner, and will last longer as there is less wear and tear on them * Can be stacked with a dryer on top to conserve space TOP LOADERS * There are a wider variety of models and colors * Costs less initially, but is less energy efficient * Easy to access the washtub * Uses regular detergent Features Capacity: Most manufacturers will define the size of the washtub differently. Common terms are â€Å"extra large†or â€Å"super capacity. †When comparing capacity it is best to use the cubic foot measurement to determine the actual size.Tub material: The three most commonly used tub materials used are porcelain-coated, plastic, and stainless steel. Porcelain can deteriorate if it chips. Many of the higher-end models will use a plastic tub, which generally lasts the life of the machine. The very best models will use a stainless steel tub. Water levels: Washing machines have water level settings. Many of the higher end models will offer many more levels to control the amount of water in a machine. A washer using the ideal level of water will be more efficient. Manufacturers recommend using only enough water to cover the clothes.Cycles: There are many cycles available on a washing machine. Choose a machine that will offer all the cycles you will need. Choose from cycles such as permanent press, sanitize, delicate, and extra rinses. Make sure to get a unit with all the cycles your clothes will need. Different wash/spin speed combinations allow you to wash more types of clothing in ways that are safest for the fabric. Water temperature: Your garments will look better and last longer by using proper water temperature. Detergents, bleaches, and fabric softeners require specific water temperatures to work their best.Many of your choices of washers will include several wash and rinse temperature options. A washing machine with automatic temperature regulators will make sure that the water entering the machine will be the proper temperature. For example, on a frigid day in Chicago, the water entering a standard washer set to â€Å"warm†may not get the temperature desired. Temperature regulators will add more hot water as needed to make sure the desired temperature is met. To kill even the toughest germs, a machine will be required to run at an even higher temperature. Look for a washer that offers a temperatu re boost or sanitize cycle.Noise level: Is your washer going to be in your basement or in the garage? If so, you may not be concerned with noise level. If your washer is near a living area you may want a unit that has more insulation and reinforced frames to reduce operation noise. Safety: While it's possible to stop a front-loading machine and add that missing sock, it does have an automatic lock feature on the unit that will prevent the door from opening while the drum is spinning. Controls: Digital controls and displays will allow you to program different cycle settings. Just program your favorite settings and access them with the push of one button.For an easier wash process, choose a machine with a dial or push buttons. Bleach and fabric softener dispensers: The chemicals (detergent, bleach, fabric softener) you use are a key part of garment care. Dispensers will automatically disperse them at the correct time. Energy Star rating: The Energy Star label – conferred by the U. S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency – indicates that a washing machine uses 35 percent to 50 percent less water and 50 percent less energy than a non-labeled machine. That makes the machine better for the environment and saves you money†¦There are many differences between a front loading and top loading washing machine. Most people still have the traditional top loading machine. They are less expensive than front loading machines, though in the end, top loaders may cost you more money in energy and water costs. There are trade offs with each type of washing machine, and plenty of things to consider if you’re planning on purchasing a new machine. A top loading washing machine is most familiar to people, though they may have seen front loading machines in laundromats or increasingly in appliance stores.These machines use an agitator which spins the soapy clothes to help get out dirt. The washer drains, adds more water to rinse and the n spins the clothes to wring out excess water. Clothes are placed into the spinning basket via the top of the machine, and you can open the machine at any time to add something else. A front loading washing machine uses less energy and does not have an agitator. A front loading machine is a gentler method, because it uses gravity to spin the clothes, which helps save energy and may extend life of clothing.These machines use less water and detergent, which may be a great savings on water costs, and they can usually be filled with more clothes. You cannot open these machines while they are running, so your days of adding a forgotten sock to a batch being washed are over if you choose a front loading washing machine. Front loaders vary in size but many can take up less space than top loaders. It’s often possible to stack a dryer on top of a front loading machine, but you will usually only find this feature in top loaders that are very small and won’t accommodate large bat ches.A front loader may be a better choice if you need to save on space but still want a fairly good sized washing machine There is nevertheless some advantage to the top loading washing machine if you have back, knee or neck problems. It can be awkward to bend down to load and unload clothes, but usually no more so than using front loading dryers. If you have to do lots of laundry, you may prefer a front loader to avoid frequent bending to get clothes in and out of a machine. You do give up greater efficiency, savings in energy and water costs, use of less water, and potentially longer life of clothing when you use a top loading washing machine.However you also may benefit in the short run because they are significantly less expensive. For people who can afford the front loader and who don’t have issues with the way clothes are loaded, this may be your best bet. In some states and countries you may even qualify for an energy rebate if you purchase a front loading machine. Th e main difference between a top loading and front loading washing machine is how the clothes are placed inside. A top loading washing machine has a hinged lid on top, allowing the clothes to be placed inside a horizontally-oriented watertight tub.In the center of this tub is a device called an agitator. The agitator's job is to swirl the clothes through the soapy water. A front loading washing machine has no central agitator, but uses gravity and side-mounted paddles to agitate clothes. Once the front door is closed, it remains locked mechanically until the washing cycle is complete. One advantage of a front loading washing machine is an increased capacity. Since there is no central agitator, the horizontally-oriented drum can hold at least 20 to 30% more clothing per load.For a large family, this could mean running only three loads in a front loading washing machine compared to five in a top loader. Fewer loads often translates to savings in utility bills and water usage. A front l oading washing machine is also gentler on clothes and generally quieter to operate. Instead of a centralized agitator literally grabbing clothes and thrashing them, the blades of a front loading washing machine gently pick up the clothes and allow them to drop into the soapy water. The soil is still removed by an agitating action, but gravity does most of the work.Gentler agitation can extend the lifespan of clothes significantly. As top loading washing machines age, they tend to become noisier and more likely to become unbalanced. A front loading washing machine rarely becomes unbalanced from the weight of heavy items. Another advantage of a front loading washing machine is less water and detergent usage. A top loading washer must use enough water to cover the highest level of the clothes. A front loading washing machine, on the other hand, only uses enough water to cover approximately the lower third of the tub at most. The clothes are drawn through the water, not the water throug h the clothes.Detergents designed for front loading washing machines use a lower sudsing formula, and are meant to release different cleansing agents at different water temperatures. In fact, a front loading washing machine often contains its own heating element to keep the water at an ideal temperature for washing. Many consumers also find that a front loading washing machine removes more water during the final spin cycle. This often translates into shorter drying times, which equals savings on electricity. In addition, a front loading washing machine can work in conjunction with a stackable dryer to save space in the laundry room.A standard top loading washing machine cannot be stacked with a standard electric dryer. Manufacturers' attempts at a stacked top loading combination often limit the washer lid's range of motion. No such design problem exists with a front loading washing machine. Front Loader (Main Advantages) 1. Wash quality – you can get a better wash qua lity than any top loaders (however, not as good as God-made washing machines – our hands). 2. Water/Detergent consumption – you can do a cycle of washing with comparatively less water and detergent compared to top loaders.Though you have invested a lot of money on a front loader, you can afford to save some on water and detergents. 3. Longevity – front loaders are expected to last longer than top loaders (up to 15 to 20 years of use). Ideal for consumers who believe â€Å"old is gold†and are not interested in exchange offers and/or keeping themselves updated with latest technology. Front Loader (Main Disadvantages) 1. Price – front loaders are far expensive than top loaders. The lower-end version/model in a front loader is much more expensive than the higher-end version/model in a top loader. 2.Complex mechanism – front loaders run without a problem as long as they run, but once they land in some problem, it i s forever. Never you can expect the same performance after repair that you found when you bought it. Also, bending down to load a front loader washing machine is considered inconvenient. 3. Repair cost/service – the cost involved in repairing front loaders or getting on-time repair service is a real challenge. You might have to wait as long as 20 days to 3 months to get a fault repaired and then shed a good amount of money for that repair. Top Loader (Main Advantages) 1.User friendly – top loaders boast the comfort and convenience of any common user (non-technical housewives)  who can operate the machine without any complications . Another most noted advantage across the world, especially in America and Australia, is the convenience to stand and load the machine without having to bend down as in front loaders. 2. Power consumption – power consumed by a top loader is comparatively less than a front loader, basically because of the ti me consumed in washing. A cycle of wash lasts for 30 to 45 minutes in a top loader while the same cycle of wash in a front loader can run up to 1 to 2 hours. . Maintenance – top loaders have quite simple mechanism compared to front loaders and involve more electronics than mechanical. So, any repair here might not be as expensive as repairs in front loaders and the service is also quick and affordable. Top Loader (Main Disadvantages) 1. Wash quality – sources claim that top loaders’ wash quality is not as good as in front loaders. Since the drum in top loaders is vertical, chances are that clothes at the bottom of the drum and at the top of the drum fail to interchange positions to attain the same wash quality. SOME BRANDS HAVE TACKLED THIS PROBLEM NOW – see below). 2. Water/Detergent consumption – top loaders consume more water and detergent compared to front loaders during a wash cycle. This is mainly because the volume of water required in a top loader to wash a certain load is much more compared to a front loader to wash the same load, thereby utilizing more detergent also. 3. Noise/Vibration – some top loaders might create vibration and some low-level noise during operation. This is mainly because the body of a top loader is lighter than a front loader and occupies lesser ground space than a front loader.Now, having differntiated between front loaders and top loaders, I hope the above information has helped us to decide between a front loader and a top loader. For all those who have decided to go ahead with a front loader, there is no choice in brand. In India, the obvious front loader market leader is IFB. If at all you have decided to buy a front loader, you can wisely go ahead with an IFB. However, please note that it is advisable to go for higher-end versions/models than lower-end versions/models since you might not get most of the features in lower-end versions despite payin g such a huge amount. pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]Top Loading and a front Loading: 1. Water Consumption: Water is comsumed is  very less amount in front loading than the top loading. The top loading takes almost 2 to 3 medium size bucket of watter for each cycle. ie Wash + no. of rinse cycle. The front loader wold use less than half the amount of water used by the top loader with the same wash results. 2. Fabrics last long: Front loaders are gentle to the fabrics than the top loaders. From my personal experiance the fabrics do not loae there texture that early as compared to top loaders.The evidance to support it would be one do not require to clean the lint filer that often, hence the fabric do not loose their fiber. 3. Quiter Operation: The front loaders are quiter operation than the top loders, hence the noise pollution is less in the house. 4 energy comsumption. Front loaders are more enegery effecient than the top loaders. 5: Front loaders are long lasting a nd virtually maintainance free. Average life of front loader is longer than the top loader (So i have read) Dificultises with fronty loaders: 1. With front loaders are you need to bend down to load the cloths.So for those who have back problem, using front loaders would be a pain. 2. Front loaders require uninterrupted flow of water to operate. 3. Front loaders are heavy units, and they require to be on a perfectly level base,  They should not be moved arround, hence they do not come with base wheels. So guys, choose the front loader, if you want your fabrics to be damaged less, water to be consumed less, but provided you can over come the above difficultues. Feature difference: Wash care programs in Front loading machines are more. i. e. ne has a greater choice for washing cotton clothes or synthetic ones in Front loading machines. Heater option for hygenic hotwash is there in Front loading machines though there are some top loading machines which have inbuilt heater . Front loader have high rinsing efficiency thus clothes come out detergent free. Front loader have higher drying efficiency and some machines equiped with 100% dryer can dry clothes 100%. (But they are costlier and electricity and time consumption for the process is more. ) Other difference: Top loaders are economical than Front loaders but for good features one has to spend a little more.Also, remember cost determines features and PRODUCT QUALITY. Both the machines are user friendly. And if a person takes a little care none of the machines have to be stopped and opened in the middle of the process. even if one wants to do it he can do it easily cos there is drain option given in front loader, after draining stop the machine totally and after about 1. 5 mins one can open its door. Front loader weighs more than top loaders. Both can be moved around by placing them on trolly which is not recommended 🙂 . Water and detergent consumption in Front loading is less.The trad itional top-loading washer does its job well, compared with the washing drums and rollers previous generations used. The washer's tub sits vertically in the machine and has an agitator in the middle that churns the water and clothes together, forcing water through the items. It drains, refills with clean water, agitates again, drains, rinses and spins. The front-loading machine follows the same basic method, but has many advantages over the standard top-loaders. The front-loading machine's greatest advantage may well be its energy efficiency, no small advantage considering an increasingly environmentally aware marketplace.Nearly every model bears the US Department of Energy's â€Å"Energy Star†label, setting it apart as an appliance that meets or exceeds the stringent efficiency standards set out jointly by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. Here are some of the other differences between top- and front-loading washers: Efficiency: While a top-l oading machine requires enough water to cover all the clothes in its drum, a front-loading washer needs only a third of that amount because its drum is set horizontally in the machine.As the drum turns, it uses gravity to drop the clothes back into the water. And while a top-loading machine will empty the soapy water and refill for a rinse agitation cycle, a front-loading machine just sprays clean water on the load as the drum continues to turn, saving gallons. Since there's no agitator in a front-loading machine, there's a lot more room for dirty clothes – and larger loads means fewer loads. Finally, the front-loading machine's spin mechanism can reach up to 1,000 rpm, as opposed to the standard top-loader's average 650 rpm.That means less water left in the laundry, which in turn gives you a shorter drying time, saving energy there, too. Space: Most front-loading washers can be stacked with a companion dryer, an impossible feat for standard top-loaders, except for a mere few models. If floor space is important to you, a front-loading washer is the better choice. Clothing life: There's no question that agitators are tough on your clothes. Because only gravity is at work in a front-loading machine, you'll save a lot of wear and tear on your laundry, extending the life of your clothes and linens.Cost: In this department, the front-loading washer is at a significant disadvantage. Typically, they cost a minimum of several hundred dollars more than their top-loading counterparts. This initial outlay will be recouped, of course, in energy costs over the long run, but if you can only budget $500 or less for a washer, you'll have to go with the traditional top-loading model. Ergonomics: If bending or kneeling is difficult for you, stay with a top-loading machine. You'll need to kneel or bend to load the clothes as well as remove the wet load from a front-loading washer.When the machines are stacked, the washer goes on the bottom, so there's no relief there, eit her. Last-minute lid-flipping: We've all run back to the washing machine to toss in a just-found pair of socks or T-shirt after the machine has started. But with a front-loading machine, there's no turning back once you push the start button. The door locks until the cycle has ended. There are however, a few models that allow a few seconds to add a garment, but once that light or time has elapsed, your clothing has to wait for the next load. Detergents:Although you can use any kind of laundry detergent in a top-loader, your detergent selection may be a bit limited with a front-loading machine, depending on the manufacturer. Most manufacturers of front-loading washers recommend using an HE low-sudsing detergent; these are becoming more widely available all the time. In the conservation department, the front-loading machine is a clear winner, saving water, energy and, of course, money over the life of the machine. The major detractor for most consumers is the larger initial cash outla y; front-loaders often cost $800 or more compared with around $350 for a good top-loader.
Four Seasons Hotels Essay
The Four Seasons Company, as per current financial, seems very profitable and the earnings per share are increasing each year. From 1997 to 1998 EPS increased by 66% and from 1998 to 1999 it increased by 22%, actually from 1997 to 1999, the value has more than doubled. The main reason for the increase seems to be a total net earnings increase of 112% in two years. (See Exhibit # 1 for figures). This is a result of increase in revenues and also because costs increased less than revenues. This indicates that in addition to higher sales, efficiency improvements have been effective as yearly costs for operating items dropped 68% and the interest costs also have decreased by 105%, making it interest income. Based on this information, the company is recommended to continue their emphasis on high personal service and quality for their hotels as the customer base are not price sensitive but concerned about service and luxury. It is important to have non-complaining, satisfied customers as this group is more satisfied than those where service recovery is needed, even when service recovery is performed at a high level. Also, satisfied customers are more loyal and a key to continue having a financially strong company. A key to this development is to continue to focus on employee satisfaction and employment procedures as this is resulting in low turnover (compared to the industry average), highly experienced and motivated staff and consequently excellent service. Also, the strong financials support FSH’s (costly) growth strategy, and would further indicate that the company has the ‘back-bone’ to support such a strategy. 3.0 Leverage the website for marketing purposes The Four Season Hotel (â€Å"FSH†) should further leverage their impressive website. First, they should maximize the site for mass – marketing purposes. For example, the site would allow customers to appreciate all FSH properties, and a customer who has never seen a FSH can view rooms, conference halls, restaurants etc. The website can further provide up-to-date information on vacancies, promotions, city tours etc. This same information could be updated at any time to reflect specials across respective FSH. For instance, the Milan hotel might anticipate low vacancy one week, and could attempt to fill some vacancies by listing a Milan resident special on the site e.g. with a two night stay and get a free dinner in the restaurant. Internal marketing is another great possibility for the FSH, as long as the â€Å"high – tech†is followed by â€Å"high – touch†, and the system is not used to replace the human element. The intranet site should focus on cost-saving promotions, healthy competition between across respective FSH’s, employee feedback pages etc. Management should use the intranet as an additional medium to disseminate information to employees and as a means to obtain information from employees. An easy to use e-commerce site for the hotel would be interesting for select Four Season’s customers. Again, this should not replace the â€Å"high – touch†that the FSH brand is identified with, but rather add another convenience for its customers. For example, some customers like making their reservation via the Internet and having an additional option with regards to making a hotel booking could turn out positively. 4.0 Establish and manage a common customer awareness database The hotel should change the existing database containing guest preferences into a centralized database available to all FHS properties. This should be deemed a high priority. It would be a typical one-time fix to enhance customer satisfaction and for implementation it could leverage FSH’s existing intranet platform. The main driver for a change of this sort would be its potential to further improve the FSH’s customer service. For example, as existing FSH customers are highly concerned about time there should be no need for them to fill in forms with preferences for each new hotel they arrive at. Also, it would be perceived as impressive for the customer arriving at a new hotel where the personnel would already know their preferences. This would increase the feeling of intimacy and personal touch during the hotel stay and consequently enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction. Additionally, the fact that only 9% of Four Season’s hotel guests are using multiple properties should not lower the importance of making such a change. In fact, 9% of their customer base means that approximately 400.000 customers each year use multiple Four Seasons Hotels. (See Exhibit #1) Also, the positive word-of-mouth this change would bring will most likely increase the number of guests staying at multiple properties. Furthermore, as the hotel has a growth strategy, the number of hotels and rooms will continue to increase and as such enhance the need for the common database. Also, in addition to customer satisfaction, having one database for all hotels would decrease costs for the chain in the long run as it will not have to maintain 50+ different databases. 5.0 Four Season’s management should solicit select feedback from customers. The idea here is quite simple and essentially comes down to ensuring that the hotel maintains its brand. The FSH has done very well by establishing a strong brand and enjoys a high % of repeat customers. Management and employees alike know what the Four Seasons stands for and the experience they aim to offer the customer. That said, and as technology races forward it is important for businesses to leverage it where possible and ‘profitable’. The key for the Four Seasons is to leverage it in a way that does not negatively impact their brand i.e. detract from the overall customer experience offered by Four Season’s employees, which is highly personal, intimate and customer oriented. For example, management could solicit feedback from customers as to whether they would use an automated (electronic) checkout service and whether customers view this as something consistent with the Four Season’s brand. This selective feedback could be centralized at first in that it is sponsored by the corporate office (so as to solicit feedback that could be leveraged across all properties) and then ‘tweaked’ per location to take into consideration cultural specifics etc. Findings could be leveraged across properties and stored in the central database to eventually maintain, reinforce and ultimately improve the Four Season’s brand, customer experience and ultimate profitability. 6.0 Implement a â€Å"Seasons Pass Loyalty Program†Enhancing Customer Loyalty. Implementing a Loyalty program contributes to making guests feeling special, which undoubtedly makes a difference in his or her experience. A loyalty program could even extend to other value chain partners, thereby, allowing for further tracking of guest preferences. Without a loyalty program, FSH loses out on building strong relationships with its guests. As switching costs are minimal, loyalty is low unless a competitor differentiates and thereby increases its odds of attracting return guests. In order to compete successfully within this tier, a reputable brand name is imperative, which also represents a significant barrier to entry for potential new entrants. The common database will undoubtedly enhance the relationships because clients enjoy the sense of community that is established when being part of a loyalty club. Therefore it is important to have mechanisms in place to ensure guests to remain loyal to FSH and choose the company as his or her accommodation provider. To facilitate this, the hotel should introduce a frequent guest card, the ‘Seasons Pass’, which will serve two functions: 1. Track guest activities within FSH so that their preferences can be recorded. 2. Allow guests to collect points every time they stay at a Four Seasons property and use them towards service companies affiliated with Four Seasons, creating loyalty as a result. It will also aid individual FSH locations to better understand which facilities within the hotel or resort are the most sought after and will be able to segment the information based on the region of the world or type of consumer (leisure or business). Through partnering with external companies such as high-end car rental companies, airlines, and travel agencies, FSH will be able to offer guests a solution to every decision they may encounter during their stay. Thus the Seasons Pass and the networked database will ultimately be the bridge to building and maintaining positive guest relationships. Exhibit 1: Financial data for the Four Seasons Hotels – EOY 1997 to EOY 1999: Exhibit # 2: Number of customers using multiple Four Season Hotels each year * Assumed average coverage rate through the year is based on information in case, â€Å"The Roccoco New York Hotel†by Anna S. Mattila. Using the rate accomplished by the Roccoco New York boutique hotel. ** As no information of number of customers per room is provided, one per room is assumed.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Family Nursing Diagnosis Essay
A patient is considered to be individual and unique in his or her own way, a family is one and distinctive within a community (Christianson, Powell, Huhn, & Blanton, 2012). According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2012), a family nursing assessment identifies family problem areas and family strengths that help build for interventions to maintain health. In providing a family with nursing diagnoses, utilization of appropriate family assessment tool would be of benefit (Christianson, Powell, Huhn, & Blanton, 2012). A.T. is a 36 year old Caucasian female who is 5 feet 3 inches and weighs 180 pounds. A. T. has two chronic illnesses: Hypertension and Diabetes, with prescribed medication that she is supposed to takes twice a day. A.T. is a full time cashier at Marshalls and lives in the Old Salem, the minority area of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. A.T. lives with her three children and husband of five years. A.T. was married previous and had two sons N.W. and H. W. She is currently in the process of getting full custody of her two oldest sons. Her husband T.T. is a 39 year old Caucasian male who is 5 feet 5 inches and weighs 230 pounds. He is self-employed as an electrician. T.T. was in a four wheeler accident two years ago which lacerated his spleen. T.T. had surgery to remove his spleen. He takes daily medications to prevent serious infection. T.T. smokes one pack of cigarettes a day sometime in the home and outside. N.W. is 12 year old male who does not like school, but enjoys baseball and hunting. He has a comprehension learning disability and has an IEP with the school system to assist with learning needs. N.W. is in middle school. His school starts at 6:45 am which mean N.W. has to be on the bus at 5:50 am because the middle school is a 20 minutes from the family’s home. H.W. is a 9 year old male. He enjoys school and spending time with his family and friends. E. T. is the family’s five year old daughter who is in kindergarten at a title one school. E.T. has asthma which is controlled by Singular and Albuterol inhaler. E.T. also has a speech delay and receives speech therapist twice a week at school. The T family currently lives in a 1950 one story 1000 square foot house with a basement. The family remodeled the basement to make two bedrooms, therefore, the home has four small bedroom and two bathrooms. A.T. dislikes the way the home was placed on the property. She feels she has no privacy because both homes to her right and left are extremely close. A. T. also would like a larger driveway due to having to park on the street and a larger backyard. The family feels safe in their community due to community watch by neighbors and the police patrol the area often. A. T. and T. T. has no family that lives near but has numerous friends. A.T. enjoys reading, shopping, and spending time with family. A.T. and T.T. drink socially. A.T. and T.T. does not exercise often. A.T. said that she has not been to a primary care provider in over three years and admitted that the whole family does not go to their primary care provider unless they are sick or needs medication refills. A.T. said that she uses meditation and relaxation techniques to handle stressful situations. The family eats fast food three times a week. Watson’s theory of caring is the foundation for professional nursing (Simourd, 2013). Watson’s theory of human caring focus on the human aspects of nursing as it relates to scientific knowledge and nursing practice (Simourd, 2013). Her theory focused on promoting health, preventing illnesses, caring for the sick and restoring health (Simourd, 2013). Watson’s theory promotes nurse and patient interaction but focuses on developing a caring relationship. Caring for patients promotes growth and caring environment which promotes healing. Watson believed that holistic health care is central to the practice of caring in nursing (Nursing Theory, 2013). Many of the Watson’s carative factors are helpful for community health nurses. Several carative factors focus on the nurse’s part of the caring relationship in clarifying values to the clients (Nursing Theory, 2013). Understanding one’s self and being sensitive to others is as important in caring for the community as individuals. Community caring occurs within a helping-trusting relationship and is directed toward protecting and enhancing the self-esteem of other (Nursing Theory, 2013). Watson’s theory is connected to community health through it focus of promoting health, preventing illnesses, and restoring health. One nursing diagnoses for the T family is Nutrition, Altered: Imbalance more than body requirement related to increasing BMI for both parents and the children. Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicator related to this nursing diagnosis is Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (Healthy People 2020, 2013). One nursing intervention related to the nursing diagnosis includes providing education to the family about appropriate calorie intake, the need to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, the importance to reduce sugar intake among the children, and to reduce fast food. Another nursing intervention is connecting the family with the Forsyth County Department of Public Health for nutrition classes and cooking class that is offered through Cooperative Extension Service. A third nursing intervention is to discuss and implement an exercise plan with the family that includes at least one hour of vigorous exercise each day as tolerated. Good nutrition, physical activity, and healthy weight are essential parts of a person’s overall health and well-being (Healthy People 2020, 2013). The second nursing diagnoses for the T family is Ineffective Health Maintenance related to insufficient knowledge about the detrimental effects of active and passive smoking. Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicator related to this nursing diagnosis is tobacco (Healthy People 2020, 2013). One nursing intervention is to provide education to T.T. about the effects of secondhand smoke and provide education to T.T. about smoking outside and not around the family (Wang, Hu, & Lam, 2011). Second nursing intervention is to provide education on cessations and identify triggers that increase tobacco usage (Wang, Hu, & Lam, 2011). A third nursing intervention is to provide T.T. information to QuitlineNC which provides free cessation service to any North Carolina resident who needs assistance quitting tobacco use (, 2014). The QuitlineNC information is provided through the Forsyth County Department of Public Health. Tobacco use is one of the most single preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States (Healthy People 2020, 2013). Tobacco usage is one of the United States deadliest and most costly public health challenges (Healthy People 2020, 2013). The third nursing diagnosis for the T family is Ineffective Health Maintenance related to limited use of primary care provider. One nursing intervention is to provide education about the value and need for regular preventive visits with a primary care provider for the family. Second nursing intervention is to assist the entire family in obtaining a primary care provider appointment for each member of the family and remind the family of the appointments that are scheduled. A third nursing intervention is assessing the barriers related to reason the family is inconsistent with primary care visits. Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicator related to this nursing diagnosis is Access to Health Services (Healthy People 2020, 2013). Increasing access and providing information about routine medical care is one essential step in improving the health of all Americans (Healthy People 2020, 2013). There are a few legal and ethical considerations in the community of Winston-Salem. The homes within the city are built close to each other. Homes close together may have been completed so that contractors could maximum the number of homes within the city. In doing so, this has violated the resident’s privacy and sense of space. A solution for this concern is that the city of Winston-Salem provides each resident with a privacy fence around the property. Another legal and ethical consideration in the community is that the City of Winston-Salem fire department is limiting the number of emergency medical calls due to an increase in fuel amounts and usage. The residents’ concerns continue to rise due to the limited number of ambulances and personal. Solutions to this concern is to have the Winston-Salem Fire Department start back running medical calls with Emergency Services or to increase the number of paramedics and ambulance within the community. A third legal and ethical consideration for the community of Winston-Salem is banning cigarette smoke on and around County property, the local hospitals, and the property of the school system. Secondhand smoke is as dangerous as first hand smoke. Secondhand smoke can cause cancer and heart-disease for non-smokers. A solution for this concern is for the Forsyth County Department of Public Health to advocate to the county commissioners to ban cigarette smoke on and around county property, local hospitals, and school systems. I will advocate and provide case management services for the T family. I will explain options for access to care and explain the importance of playing an active role in their healthcare. T.T. has no spleen, therefore, it is vital for him to use services within the community to prevent disease and maintain compliance with medications. E.T. has asthma; it is a chronic condition that requires frequent monitoring and education. Medications can be expensive and it is important that E.T. stays compliant with her healthcare. A.T. works full time receiving minimum wage and T.T. attempts to work as much as possible but is not guaranteed hours or money which can be stressful for the family. I am committed to assisting the family with community resources. A.T. and T.T. can use services at the Forsyth County Department of Public Health, Southside United Health Center, or Community Care Clinic for primary care related to medical and dental due to having no insurance. The T family health will be affected by secondhand smoke at home and in the community. E.T. suffers from asthma; therefore, the secondhand smoke can trigger asthma exacerbation. E.T. must carry her Albuterol inhaler at all times. T.T. has no spleen; therefore, he has an increased risk for infection. A.T. has hypertension that can lead to heart problems such as CHF and MI. Stress can elevate the blood pressure and cause serious health issues. Stressors for A.T. are the well-being of her children, an attempt to get full custody of her two sons, her children learning concerns, and financial concerns. It is important that A.T. monitor her blood pressure at least daily and to check her blood sugar three times a day before each meal. A.T. needs to keep a log of the values. Due to A.T.’s chronic condition her role as mother and primary caregiver could change at any time. A.T. and T.T. are reluctant in allowing the whole family to receive flu vaccination. A.T. is against the vaccination because of the negative feedback she has heard about the Flu vaccination. She explained that the reason she was reluctant to the vaccination, stating that she heard the vaccination was a live virus, therefore, she feels the family would get the flu. My belief was different from A.T. because I am aware that the flu vaccination is an inactive form of the virus that is injected into individuals, to allow the body to build up immunity. I explained the reason the flu vaccination is needed each year and A.T. stated that she would get the family their flu vaccination this fall (Oppel, 2012). I explained to A.T. that the Forsyth County Department of Public Health can provide more education on the need of the vaccination and can administer the vaccination free to the family. Education for this family will include healthy eating habits, daily exercise regimen, smoking cessation, the effects of second hand smoke, health management, and health access. Resources available to this family are Forsyth County Department of Public, Community Care Clinic, Southside United Health Care center, and QuitlineNC. These resources were chosen because the family displayed and verbalized needs for education.
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