Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Operations management Essay
Q.1. Discuss Bill Jones and his approach to automation compared others? Operations management as applied by by Bill Jones approaches to automation helped increase production and boost the employees morale and therefore credited his approach to be emulated. He demonstrated the best principle of management based on the ability to bring workers, managers and machines together to increase production at Cambria steelton industry. He was an experienced caring leader who was promoted from his reputation of building the furnaces at Chattaniooga in Tennessee. He was of strong character which helped him to blend corporate goals with those of his workers therefore generating accomplishment one after the other. Besides, he believed that the steel industry required strategic constant sequential upgrading and motivated men to work for eight hours only as opposed to the standard 12 hours which he considered as brutal and counter productive to the industry. This was however in contrast with most of the other leaders who insisted on full exploitation of the 12 hours automation system of the steel company (Gerald, 1981). His operation management style superimposed on him being a community man earned him the heart of many which acted as motivation to them. The employees identified with him so much that they were refereed to as Jones boys. He was occasionally seen eating peanuts and smoking cigars on the street of Braddock. He insisted for the 12 hours working duration due to his love and generosity that made him contribute freely to the society. Besides he was human enough in that by considering the working hours to be eight, the workers would be involved with other constructive ways for their lives like sports which was very helpful to the industry though indirectly. He relied on promotions from within the company as the employees having served under him had the relevant experience to run different sections (Gerald, 1981). He encouraged innovations and improvements to increase production from the company. He initiated the use of the use of the larger mixers which allowed for continuous flow of the liquid pig iron. Also, he innovated the use of steel bolts in rail housing that raised the strength of the iron products made in the company. As a result, this ensured continuous production and processing of steel in the company during and after his management period. Bill Jones operation management based on the belief of careful selection of the men he employed, assisted him assisted him to increase production as he worked with innovation oriented people only in the company. He combined the operation of the machines with the high motivation of the employees to increase the production. He reiterated that the aim of the firm was to keep the company running steadily. Therefore he encountered less resistance from the employees in terms of employments claims and overworking which increased the company production (Gerald, 1981). Due to his management approaches and link to his combined automation mode, other leaders differed with him. Carnegie tried to pressurize Bill Jones to adopt the 12 hours system and reduce the use of machines which Jones dismissed as abuse for humanity. This mode however had led to the demonstrations on overworking and less pay due yo reduced production from the system. As Jones dislike the use of labor unions for championing the employees rights, Carnegie opted to negotiate with them and had great successes in his production mode. Morel lust like Jones, believed in combination of machines and experienced people to be able to increase the production of the company. He had a loving attitude towards the employees and encouraged ethics in the work p;lace where the employees did not have to work for the whole long eight hours for the employees to be motivated. He also encouraged the gradual introduction of the machines to the company for improvement. Morrell developed and molded John Fritz on the basis of Engineering and automation which later earned him the name â€Å"dean of steel makers†(Gerald, 1981). Discuss why inventory control is key to lean? Inventory control is important to lean as it acts as the gauge and the main determinant of the progression of an individuals business. This method calls employment of the main principles of scientific management and better employee benefits to achieve high customer satisfaction for the company. It is the main tool for success in business having been adopted by large successful companies like Ford manufacturing and Toyota.  Inventory control and lean practices entails careful consideration of the customers requirements and desire as the key element for the success of the business. Inventory therefore as Heinz indicates, is the measure of the efficiency after the quality demands of the customer have been met. The employees must understand the operation system of the lean philosophy for better application (Gerald, 1981). Heinz adds that in in this mode, the company must choose the market in which he will supply his goods for success to be achieved. The inventory must be tied to and envisioned in dollars to increase the production and reduce the overhead costs. Then the managers salaries should be related to the wasted inventory dollars for the lean manufacture to succeed. Big companies managers may loose the feel of inventory but smaller businesses keep their inventories carefully and refer to them as dollars and therefore progress faster as they manage leanly their manufacturing system. The inventory process therefore tells you the level of efficiency you are operating on and therefore assist you in making different immediate decisions that are meant to help your business to grow if it had bottle necks. To add to that, these inventories help the managers identify the problems well in advance therefore being adequately equipped for to tackle them. Heinz indicates that â€Å"hedge inventories are built because of poor performance†. â€Å"Decision making on questionable products had to be made quickly†(Gerald, 1981). The supply of the raw materials into the company for making the products is part of the company business activities. Lean requires ample supply of raw materials in the production line and consequent market determination to enhance the exit of the products at the desired prices. Physical inventory therefore assists to address the problem of the supplies in the company by prior prediction of the trends. Heinz insists that, â€Å"you can never run lean without a good supply chain of your company†In addition, inventory ensures that dynamism in the customer requirements are easy to deal with thus changing of products can be done quickly without losing the market. It ensures that the employees are flexible in their operations through proper planning. Mr. Heinz had used no tooling but had to change to different food products quickly through ample planning and flexibility of the employees. For successful lean to be realized adequate supply of labor must be available in the production and supply unit. Temporary and part time laborers should be engaged as they increase the flexibility of the company in times of the production swings as different times of the year. Therefore location on places with inadequate supply like major towns would help greatly increase the efficiency of the lean. Heinz employed large numbers of women on temporary and part time basis to heighten the production differences at various periods.          Inventory control therefore under the vision for high quality helps in implementing the lean philosophy. Compare the approach of Charles Schwab at Bethelem Steel to Edison on innovation? Charles Schwab differed with Edison on the operation management in the steel company for improvement thorough innovation (Gerald, 1981).  Though both of their approaches were aimed at increasing production their diversity resulted to the varying production levels. Charles believed that men are driven by competition while the business is driven by cooperation and therefore ensured that customer suppler cooperative network was maintained. Through this approach Charles was able to marvel may as to the method he used to get access to the vast dynamic market. Even the internal relationship of the employees revolved on the employee friend ship who were the key pillars to supply in the company (Gerald, 1981). Edison on the other hand believed on the market driven forces to gain the market through the forces of demand and supply. He equally succeeded but his levels were lower than those of Charles. Charles notes that the production was driven through commitment and understanding between the employees and the management. They both believed that labor and management must go hand in hand for the consistency of the employment to be maintained. Though this was rather visionary, it was achieved with greater satisfaction to the employees who were guaranteed their wages and salaries in the production line and thus improved their morale for more production. Charles insisted that manual rewards should be based on the profitability of the production system. This also improves the quality of products as well as the welfare of the employees. Edison on the other hand insisted on use of Bonuses and Employees rewards which also raised the morale of the employees in the company. Though both methods improved the rate of production from the employees, the later system may be hard to establish and is open to biasness (Gerald, 1981). Charles just like Edison invested strongly in the employees and believed that the managers must play a paternal role by protecting and developing the employees. They believed that the employees were the key to increased production of the factory and thus their welfare must be taken seriously. Their safety, health, and living conditions must go hand in hand with the current trends and the state of the company. Charles used safety and pension schemes innovation for the employees to concentrate in their work (Gerald, 1981). The paternal approach was respectful of the workers and therefore was no considered to be like the welfare where the integrity was taken aback (Gerald, 1981). To add to that, they both believed in application of technology and investment as the first application of profits in the company. The technology would reduce greatly the cost of production through innovation at the different sections of production. This would in return increase the profit margin for the company. High levels of innovations and integration of management, machines and the employees, must be carefully balanced to increase the production levels of a company. As indicated above, the employees in any production management unit form the most important asset that should carefully handled to raise the production levels at all times.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
College Is Worthwhile Essay
Today in America going to college is more of a necessity than an option; however, college is expensive. Most people cannot afford the upfront cost of tuition and fees along with the additional costs of dorms, meals, textbooks, and other supplies to attend college. Because of this many students resort to taking out student loans that could potentially cost them more in the future. With the cost of attending college constantly rising many people are finding themselves asking the question of rather or not college is really worth the cost. Also, some people feel that going to college is a waste of time. Some feel this way because not all jobs require degrees, so they feel there is no purpose in spending long hours at an institution obtaining one. Others feel that they should not be required to meet the general education requirements of most colleges, but should instead be able to use the time taking classes relevant to their career field. Many people argue that because of these reasons college is not worthwhile. However, despite these facts, going to college has several benefits that make it very valuable. Firstly, college graduates make more money over the course of a lifetime and have more job opportunities than people without degrees. College graduates on average make about one million dollars more in a lifetime than people with only a high school diploma. This is because college graduates have a better chance of getting and keeping a job, and these jobs pay more. The main reason for this is that there is less competition for jobs that require a degree so there is always a need for employees which means more job security. Secondly, in college people make lifetime connections and broaden their horizons. During college students meet a wide variety of people from different backgrounds than themselves. The connections that students make with these individuals can prove very beneficial to them especially after they graduate. Many of these people that students meet in college could help them to advance their careers after they graduate. For example, their professors may recommend them for employment to others in their field. Also, they could be meeting future business partners, bosses, or employees. Thirdly, college helps young adults in becoming more responsible. When people go to college, for most, it is the first time most people are practically on their own. It is completely different from being in high school and being dependent on parents and teachers for everything from reminders and help with homework to finances. In college, students face circumstances that they would most likely encounter when completely on their own. College students have to pay bills, manage time efficiently, and be sure to meet deadlines. And if they don’t there may be minor and/or serious consequences that they have to deal with just like in the â€Å"real world. †Many people argue that going to college is not worthwhile because it is too expensive and is a waste of time, but there are many advantages of going to college that prove how valuable the college experience can be. College students are able to gain stable careers with great pay after graduation, are able to network with the people they meet while in college in order to advance their future careers, and can gain a sense of responsibility to help them mature. So, even though college has its cons, it is challenging and exciting, and can be the best time of a person’s life. It is an experience that can and will set the precedent for the rest of a person’s life if they choose to go.
Shamel and Calcium
Part per million Total Dissolved Solid Membrane area Pressure in the feed, retentate and permeate streams 1. Introduction The concepts of â€Å"osmosis†and â€Å"reverse osmosis†have been known for many years. Studies on osmosis were carried out as early as 1748 by the French scientist Nollet. Many researches reported on reverse osmosis system and desalination of seawater, Most of them using hollow fiber or spiral wound membrane in their research [1].Effects of different operating parameters (feed water concentration, temperature, pressure and flow rate) on membrane performance were examined using RO system [2]. Sensitivity of different design parameters (internal diameter, total number of tubes) on the recovery ratio was also studied [3]. Besides predicting the performance of RO membrane, several models for mass transport in membrane have been developed such as solution-diffusion model, models from irreversible thermodynamics, etc. [4 and 5].Simulation and optimizati on of various RO membrane, study on concentration polarization in RO system and many case study on existing plant was reported. Although many studies were conducted on reverse osmosis membrane, tubular membrane was rarely investigated. This study is aimed at investigating the tubular RO module. The performance of this membrane on different operating parameters has been examined and the best operating condition of RO system with the best permeate quality were utilised to produce drinking water from seawater. 2. Chemicals and Methods The feed stock for reverse osmosis system is the seawater.
Monday, July 29, 2019
The public's interest should be taken more into account when the Essay
The public's interest should be taken more into account when the decision is made to disclose a person's health details. Discuss with reference to public health law and confidentiality - Essay Example The Human Rights Acts validates the responsibility of medical personnel to avoid disclosure of confidential medical information. However, Article 8 provides exceptions to confidentiality rights when public interest is involved (Garside & Branthwaite, 2006). The Access to Medical Records Act of 1988 also gives the right to patients to review medical information contained in their records which may be submitted to their potential employers. Along with other relevant health-related legislation, these provisions take note of the public’s interest in considering possible breach of confidentiality agreements. In child abuse cases, public disclosure of health records is important. Many family members prefer to keep information about the child’s health and condition within the family. â€Å"The most difficult dilemma of all often arises in cases of possible child abuse or other criminal activity where individuals refuse to allow disclosure of information, despite the fact that silence puts other people at risk of harm†(Wilks, 1999). The potential for violence that might befall the child is often not prevented when social workers and other health care givers, who are privy to vital health information, have their hands tied by the confidentiality agreement. Public interest is important where â€Å"disclosure to the relevant authorities of suspected abuse or neglect of a patient who does not have the capacity to consent, such as a young child or someone with mental disability is considered to be in the patient’s best interest†(Tranberg & Rashbass, 2004). In cases where the patient has the capacity to consent, his wishes must be respected, except where the abuser may also potentially harm the minor children of the patient. For the greater interest of the minor children and other people who may also be harmed, medical records should be disclosed to authorities. â€Å"The rights of family members to
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Manage change task 3 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Manage change task 3 - Research Paper Example The change includes installing new systems in the company and to also make drastic changes to the overall processes in a number of areas of the company. The need for change has been included in the following section. Need for Change: With the changing environment and the growing competition, there is a high need for the company to implement change. This will assist the company improve itself, as well as cater to the needs of the new clientele. During any crisis period, companies evaluate themselves and work towards improving their condition to help cope up with the changing environment and also to keep up the overall performance. Similarly, here the company has evaluated the environment and is focused on developing and improving the current position by improving its internal processes and overall working. Here this is a strategic step taken by the company to meet the competition and to also manage the financial crisis period effectively. SWOT Analysis: The company’s major stre ngth lies in the fact that it has a number of employees who are well versed and highly experienced in the field. Here it is important to note that the company has been performing well, which allows them to implement change in the current time of issue. The weakness of the company however is the lack of technical knowledge to keep up with the new clients. Here the company finds the clients systems very complicated and hence needs to follow the contract agreements. If the knowledge was a little higher here in this field, then the company could have equally participated and put down their agreement criteria as well. The threats that the company faces here is the lack of newer clients and also high competition that is being faced. Also, aspects like the uncertain future, together all these provide a major form of threat to the company. Also, in terms of the opportunities, the company has a wide range of opportunities to implement better systems and to work towards improving the overall processes of the company. Here although the period involves a low number of customers, this can be used to the company’s benefit and here the company can improve their own internal systems and processes. Cost Benefit Analysis: The company plans to implement a system for a total of approx. $60,000. Here the company is planning to spend on a system which has been found to be very un – friendly and has not received the best reviews (Buchan). The company is not only implementing a un – friendly system but is also risking the chances for high levels of resistance from the staff. Here implementing this system will lead the company to achieve the order for 1 million, however will led to loss of older employees who have been in the company for over twenty years. Barriers to Change and Minimization Strategy: There are a few barriers to change that might occur here in the case of the company: a) The employees will resist change, as the change involves the use of a new sys tem and the employees are not very computer savvy. Here to resolve this issue, the main steps that can be taken by the company is to develop a good training program to assist the employees learn the systems and also be more comfortable with the new processes. Another step that can be adopted by the company is to change the teams and to make the individuals with better computer knowledge to come into the team where the new system is being adopted. In order not to lose the older employees they can be given different
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Twitter (Marketing) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Twitter (Marketing) - Essay Example Twitter’s marketing strategy includesboth short-term and long-term activities in a formulation of market-oriented strategies. The main goal of Twitter is to increase the membership all over the world tosupport reach for its advertising clients.  The Twitter Social Media Company has many services such as self-service ads, tweets, user-sharing photos that are used by individuals as businesses alike.iii Today, Twitter has more than 500 million members, of which 284 million members are considered active users. In terms of the number of users, Twitter is far behind Facebook, its closest competitor.iv As Twitter is introducing new services and improving its Internet reach over the last few years, itsmarket position is improving.v In the last three quarters what year, the revenue generation of Twitter is increasing with the fast user growth. However, although the revenue is growing at a fast pace, the amount of users has slowed in comparison to Facebook. For the first time in history, the company has posted revenue of more than one billion dollars.vii The firm uses various types of advertising and marketing mediums to enhance the reach of the product and services that are connected to the Internet. Twitter uses all mediums in an effort to increase the members such as email, search engines, back links to websites. This popular website also uses many mediums such as TV, movies, etc. as a part of advertising strategy. Twitter is also an important part of SEO or Search Engine Optimization strategy. One of the main advantages of this service is that the signing up of the account is free and the site offers free publicity for the members, whether it is the company page or an individual. They can offer a free link to the customers by clicking on a short link offered by the company. In exchange, the site also gets free advertising in every medium. This paragraph is not clear. What is the mix of advertising that they use to
Friday, July 26, 2019
My most attractive adversary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
My most attractive adversary - Essay Example I think it is not fair when men do this, because it is not the fault of women that our world gives so many advantages to men. Part of the problem lies in the fact that there are more men than women in senior positions in the workplace. For many centuries men have been the ones to hold all the power and money in society and now things are gradually changing. It seems to me that some of the remarks that men make are an example of jealousy and fear. Men who make flattering remarks to women want to show that they are in control and part of the dominant group. By making women different, they are excluding women from the group. This essay reflects the cultural values of the United States. In some countries, such as in the Middle East or parts of Asia, for example, very few women take up senior and professional roles. It may be that in future both men and women in these countries will also have to rethink their use of language in relation to issues of gender in the
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Intensive Writing - Relationship between two Articles Essay
Intensive Writing - Relationship between two Articles - Essay Example The relationship between these articles can be based on the used themes, opinions addressed and the type of society that was used in the context of the article. "Black like them" is written by Malcolm Gladwell and most of its characters are from New York and its neighborhoods. Joane Nagel, on the other hand, writes â€Å"Constructing Ethnicity Creating and Recreating Ethnic Identity and culture†and tries to explain how different ethnicities affect the choices made by individuals. The articles share several themes since they have the same historical backgrounds. They had been based on the American society during the war era. During his period, people from different parts of the world searched for ‘greener pastures hence increasing the rate of immigrants in the United States. This action brought up the issue of racism since people moved to America from different countries. From the article, "Black like them" the Malcolm uses different characters to show how racism is evident in the society. Moreover, neighborhoods have been divided along racist lines. These blocks include the whites, Blacks, Hispanics and those who were of mixed races. For example, the writer explains how a West Indian boss claims that Garden city; a middle-class neighborhood is not a place for black people. Racial discrimination is also evident in workplaces, where the Noel works in a firm with a white workmate who is paid more than him irrespective of the same qualifications and work di d. Socialists and researchers from known universities have come up numerous situations to have a better understanding of these societies. The boss was an Indian national who could not differentiate between the Black Americans and those from the Caribbean. Joane in her book "Constructing Ethnicity" relates ethnic identity and its role in racism. This is because racism has its roots in different ethnic groups.Â
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Critique of Quantitative Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Critique of Quantitative Research Report - Essay Example A close reference was made to the study Staff Regard towards Working with Substance Users: a European Multi-centre Study (Gilchrist et al). The aim of the study was to compare the levels of regard that medical practitioners have for working with various groups of patients for medical school students at the Monash University.Unwillingness to treat certain categories of patients stems from the perceived difficulties in handling them, lesser rewards from the intensive care required of the medics, and the general feeling of inadequacy of skills. The researchers note that the medical practitioners prefer treating other categories of patients, for instance those suffering from diabetes. Of special interest to this study is the section from which the researchers apply the t-tests and Analysis of Variance. On top of the ANOVA tests carried out inappropriately in this study (where the researchers should have used the non-parametric equal of ANOVA, the Mann-Whitney U-test. The overall implicat ion of the errors presented by these researchers is that their findings can rightfully be termed as wrong and inappropriate, because they could not use the wrong approach to reach at their conclusions.In the end, the researchers confirmed that the medical practitioners surveyed in the various disciplines were least willing to work with patients who needed treatment for use of illicit drugs. It is not certain whether the same conclusion would have been reached if the correct tests were applied on the data.
Forms and Substance Dualism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Forms and Substance Dualism - Essay Example If, conversely, dualism can be convincingly maintained, then our evidence obtained from studies of the brain would simply not suffice in gaining any form of insight into the human mind. Dualism is a logical necessity: sustained as a question that does not need to be answered as it can be fulfilled a priori, owing to the fact that humans have the ability to seek introspection regularly. (Almog, 129-34) Indeed, we experience the separation between our body and mind, which would support the notion that they are separate entities and empirical evidence is not required to prove such a concept. However, this does not mean that dualistic theory is foolproof: for example, can our experience be enough to prove such a concept Indeed, many philosophers are not in favor of dualistic ontology. The first classical representation of dualism can be recognized in Plato's work; more specifically originating in The Phaedo. Interestingly, in dualism, 'mind' is contrasted with 'body', but in different historical periods, different aspects of the mind have been the center of attention. For example, in the classical period it was the intellect of the mind, which was considered to be the crux of what separated us from the physical. However, from Descartes onwards, the opposition to materialism came from our apparent 'consciousness' and experience of 'sensation'. The emphasis on intellect is certainly echoed in Plato's work: as he believed (as did many other Greeks) that the body was a prison for the intellectual soul. Indeed Plato believed that the true substances are not physical bodies, which are ephemeral, but the eternal Forms of which bodies are imperfect copies. He came up with the idea of a realm of "Forms" and said that intellect was immaterial, for it does not last you, the refore Forms are immaterial, and thus intellect must link to those that it apprehends. He then continued to say that such a link forced the soul to want to leave the body to enter a realm of Forms. In his later writings, The Republic, Plato furthered his ideas on Forms and the soul; he claimed that not only was the soul the true form but belonged to a higher status within reality than the body did, and that the soul was a separate, immortal substance. Plato's study of dualism in The Phaedo was indeed complex, and more a metaphysical study regarding the imprisoned soul. However, it can be seen, especially amongst his writings in The Republic, that Plato was clear on his belief that the body and soul were separate entities, forming the base for philosophical extensions in more recent times. Continuing from Plato, St Thomas Aquinas extended earlier works on dualism in his endeavor to unite philosophy with proof of God. Aquinas agreed with the Aristotelian notion that when the soul entered the body it animated it and gave it life; calling it anima. Moreover according to Aquinas, the soul operates independently of the body and it cannot decay; for only things that can break into parts can decay, Thus, following Aquinas' argument, the soul is able to survive death. He also said that through
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Charles Dickens Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Charles Dickens - Research Paper Example Dickens was a highly influential personality in the social reforms of Victorian England and his thoughts and ideas were infused with a keen sense of observation that clearly reflected the liberalism of the thirties. In all of his literary works he projected a great power over human emotions with an incomparable measure of human fun and frolic. His literary works were intended to bring about a positive change in the society and hence was centered around his experiences from his childhood, adolescence and all through his growing and maturing years. 1 During the 19th century, there were great thinkers like Karl Marx, Carlyle and Ruskin whose strongly formulated ideas laid the foundation for social reform. However, it was men such as Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy who through their literary work shed light on the abuses of the Industrial Age in Victorian England. Through his writing Dickens enlightened the masses about the abuses of urban life, while Hardy shed light on the devastation on rural life brought about by the Industrial Age. One of Dicken’s most influential novels was ‘Hard Times’ that got published in 1854. The chief premise of this novel was about â€Å"The Preston Lockout of 1853 -54†which highlighted the great labor dispute that took place in the weaving industry. Dickens supported the workers through his writings that surprisingly did not advocate the establishing of trade unions because he felt that such unions were only a symptom of the disease and not the cure. However, in later years trade unions played a major role by improving the lot of the working class. According to (Orwell, citing Macaulay, Dickens pg.6) -‘Hard Times’ has been condemned for its â€Å"sullen Socialism†. These great Victorians denounced the evils of modern society and brought about by the Industrial Revolution and had a vision of a better future and ushered in an era of gradual social change. During the 1760’s England experienced the communal system of agriculture, where the land was divided and cultivated by the Yeomen who worked for them. These Yeomen lived in clustered cottages and pastured their cattle on common pastures. They had wooden implements which were inadequate for their work and their methods of farming 2 were very ancient. Every Yeoman’s house was his factory where all his family members took part in the work. â€Å"Every family spun from its own flock the wool with which it was clothed.†(Wordsworth Guide, p. 60) It was these influences that ushered in a ray of hope in the sky for its citizens. He keenly studied the minds and hearts of the people and knowing what they desired, he reflected his thoughts through his works. He delved deep into the recesses of the minds of the low- bred man by exalting the virtues of chastity, piety and honesty in a way that was strange to them. Charles Dickens is considered to be the conscience of Victorian England. He was quite famous for portraying and exposing the wretchedness of the poor and the downtrodden and was also well known for venting his anger against heartless oppression. It was the reason of these qualities that made him an exceedingly successful author. He was also well known for having burlesqued the Americans by making fun of their airy obscurity of Transcendentalism that is quite evident in his serialized novel titled ‘Martin Chuzzlewit.’ (1842-44) In sharp contrast to the Industrial Age, (Defoe, Tour, pp. 155-156) explains about the idyllic atmosphere that prevailed during that time.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Nature vs. Nurture Essay Example for Free
Nature vs. Nurture Essay It is a matter of concern whether human behaviors and characteristics are determined by nature or nurture. If a person’s behavior is inherited directly from the genes of his/her parents or other biological factors, then it is the nature that determines his character. But if the environment that a person grew up in, affects his behavior, then it is the nurture that determines his/her character. It became a great matter of controversy among scientists, psychologists and sociologists. Previously, many people believed that human behavior was instinctive. It can neither be taught nor learned. But later some psychologists came to the conclusion that human behavior is learned throughout the lifetime which is not instinctive. I believe that it is the combination of both nature and nurture that determine one’s characteristics. Nature only or nurture only cannot be the determining factors for one’s behavior and characteristic. A person’s behavior is determined by the equal blend of nature and nurture. Brent Staples in his essay â€Å"Black Men and Pubic Space†proves that one’s character cannot always be determined by their race which is a biological factor or one’s upbringing and society. But both the nature and the nurture affect the way one behaves, â€Å"I grew up one of the good boys, had perhaps a half dozen fistfights. In retrospect, my shyness of combat has clear sources†(Staples 315). Although the society he lived in was not good, he became a good person. It might be because of his behavior inherited from his parents and the good manner he was taught by his parents. So both nature and nurture by his parents work here and the environment of bad people didn’t affect his behavior. However, he once says that â€Å"Women are particularly vulnerable to street violence, and young black males are drastically overrepresented among the perpetrators of that violence†(Staples315). This makes the reader little confuse whether he himself is b eing racist, but he is actually trying to explain that particularly African American males commit crimes more than others because of the environment they grew up in and the choice they made. This may not be because of particularly being a black man, but because of the culture he has adopted since his childhood. Here he somehow takes the side of nurture. Many black people are assumed to be criminals. People judge them just by their appearance and the impression black people have made in today’s world. But this does not always mean that every black people are criminals and it’s their biological factor that makes them do crimes. We can take the example of Brent Staple. Even though he was an educated and good person, many people and especially white women fear of him. But he was neither an uneducated person nor a criminal. He was brought up in a good family and properly nurtured by his parents. Therefore, nurturing became the factor for his behavior. Similarly, there are examples given by another author Amy Cunningham in her essay, â€Å"Why Women Smile†. Although she focuses primarily on a smile, she tends to explain the actual cause of one’s behavior. She explains that a smile or particularly a women’s smile comes from both natural happiness as well as the hope of people living around them,  "The behavior seems to be an equal blend of nature and nurture†(Cunningham 190). She further explains that both a normal baby and a blind baby smiles, although it may take a little longer for the blind one. It means that the smiles are natural and should not be taught in all cases. However, there are situations where people and especially women are social pressurized to smile and show a good behavior even if they don’t want to, â€Å"Evidently, a woman’s happy, willing deference is something the world wants visibly demonstrated†(Cunningham 191). It is both natural as well as nurtured along with the situations. For example: It is more likely for a child to be a doctor in the future if his dad is a doctor too. Nature plays an important role here because the intelligence of the child is inherited from his father. But if the child is not given proper care of his education or if the parents encourage him to be something rather than doctor, he may choose other professions too. If the child is given proper care and if he is psychologically prepared that he should be a doctor in the future, nature and nurture plays equal role. There are many debates still going on whether human behavior is affected by nature or nurture. Many psychologists and scientists are still researching on whether it is one’s genes or the environment that affects one’s behavior. Yes, one’s genes affect their characteristics but the environment they are cultured in also affects the way they take actions. Since childhood, people are taught moral education at school and home. They learn how to talk, behave, act and respond. These all are nurture. If they are given good lessons, they will be able to be good in the future. But if one does not get proper guidance, he will turn out to be a morally bad person. These are the examples of human behavior affected by nurture. When we think about nature, different personality of people develops according to the genetics tendencies. For example it is likely for a person to have the habit of being aggressive if his father or his mother or any of his biological family has the same habit. Also there are many styles of talking, eating or walking that are inherited by oneâ €™s parents or biological family. Paul Theroux somehow agrees the equality of nature and nurture. In his essay â€Å"Being a Man†, he explains how nature and nurture has affected a man to be like a man. According to him a girl since her childhood is encouraged to behave in a cute way but a boy is instructed to behave roughly or so called manly, â€Å"It begins with mother encouraging little girls to say (to other adults? â€Å"Do you like my new dress?†In a sense, little girls are traditionally urged to please adults with a kind of coquettishness, while boys are enjoined to behave like monkeys toward each other.†(Theroux177). This shows how a girl and a boy are nurtured differently which determines their characteristics. Healso takes the side of nature where some different behavior between men and women comes naturally, â€Å"Femininity- being lady-like-implies needing a man as witness and seducer: but masculinity celebrates the exclusive company of men†(Theroux177). We can know from th is that not only a nature of a girl or a boy separates each other from their behavior but also their parents or the environment or the nurturer encourage them to behave separately. Therefore, the behavior is determined by both nature and nurture. In conclusion, it can be stated that human behavior are both the result of nature and nurture. One can neither neglect the effect of biological factors one have on them nor disprove the behaviors that are affected by the environment one is living in. It is important for a person to have a good environment even if his biological parents are good in nature. Also, some characters are inherited from genes of one’s parents that might last forever although he is far from his parents. Therefore, both the nature as well as nurture has equal effect on determining human behavior. Work Cited Staples, Brent. Black Men and Public Space. The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction. New York: W.W. Norton Company, 2012. Print Cunningham, Amy. Why Women Smile. The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction. New York: W.W. Norton Company, 2012. Print Theroux, Paul. Being a Man. The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction. New York: W.W. Norton Company, 2012. Print
Sunday, July 21, 2019
What Is The Bermuda Triangle History Essay
What Is The Bermuda Triangle History Essay The Bermuda Triangle is also known as the Devils Triangle. It is an area located on the north western Atlantic, in the country of International waters, The Bahamas. The Bermuda Triangle is an extremely dangerous area for one to enter. Aircrafts and surface vessels are believed to have vanished in weird ways which are considered human error, piracy, equipment failure, or natural disasters. Important things in society have shown some of these disappearances could have been the laws of physics, paranormal, or actions performed by aliens. I. The Triangle is located between the cities of Fort Lauderdale, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. A. The Bermuda Triangle is nicknamed the Devils Triangle. B. In this triangle, it is said that a lot of things in weird ways happen. II. One of the most famous disappearances is the Naval Air Flight 19. A. 13 Avenger bombers handled by Lt. Charles Taylor left the Naval Air Station in Fort Lauderdale on routine mission to practice bombing. B. As they all were trying to go back home, Lt. Robert Cox overheard them trying to communicate over the radio. 1. Lt. Taylor informed Lt. Cox that they were in the Florida Keys, but didnt know how to get back to Fort Lauderdale. 2. Lt. Taylor was actually over the Bahamas not the keys and only kept going to go further out into the sea. III. Rescue teams were sent out to find Flight 19. A. A Martin Mariner did not make its schedule and did not answer calls. B. Flight 19 was never found, neither was the Mariner. Conclusion: For years there has been an unsolved mystery of disappearances of boats and planes with no trace of evidence left behind. Could it be human error? Equipment failure? There are a lot of different things that could have happened with every disappearance within this dangerous area, the Bermuda Triangle. Many believe these disappearances are laws of physics, paranormal, or actions performed by aliens. But, nobody knows. All in all, the Bermuda Triangle is left open for everyones own belief. Since there was no proof of piracy, hurricanes, UFOs or any wreckage found, this is a case of mysterious incidents that will forever be unknown. The Bermuda triangle The Bermuda Triangle is also known as the Devils Triangle. It is an area located on the north western Atlantic, in the country of International waters, The Bahamas. The Bermuda Triangle is an extremely dangerous area for one to enter. Aircrafts and surface vessels are believed to have vanished in weird ways which are considered human error, piracy, equipment failure, or natural disasters. Important things in society have shown some of these disappearances could have been the laws of physics, paranormal, or actions performed by aliens. The Bermuda Triangle is at a status of an Urban Legend. Many events that have been reported or witnessed by people, and many administration agencies have put on record as addressing that the amount and nature of vanishes is very much alike to any other part of the ocean, but people that support paranormal phenomena suggest that many events stay unexplained regardless of any huge investigation. The border of the Triangle depends on who found it; some say its shape is like a trapezoid covering the straits of Florida, the Bahamas, and the whole area of the Caribbean Island and the Atlantic east to the Azores; others add it to the Gulf of Mexico. The more well known triangular area in a lot of documents has its parts somewhere on the Atlantic coast of Florida, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the mid-Atlantic Island of Bermuda, with a lot of the accidents not happening as much along the southern border around the Bahamas and Florida straits. The area is one of the biggest sailing lanes in the world, with ships crossing through it every day for traveling in the Americas, Europe, and the Caribbean Islands. Cruise ships are so big, and comfortable made to go back and forth between Florida and the Islands. It is also a huge flown route for commercial and private aircraft going towards Florida, the Caribbean, and South America from points north. When the Legend of the Triangle showed up in newspapers by E.V.W. Jones on September 16, 1950 through the Associated Press, it was the first article of any kind. Two years after that, Fate Magazine published Sea Mystery At Our Back Door, a small article by George X. Sand that covered a lot of things from the loss of a few planes and ships, the loss of Flight 19, and a group of five U.S. Navy TBM Avenger bombers on a training mission. The familiar triangular area was where the losses happened and Sands article was the first to tell all about it. American Legion Magazine would cover Flight 19 in the April 1962 issue. The issue stated that the flight leader was heard saying, We are entering white water, nothing seems right. We dont know where we are, the water is green, no white. Also, the officials at the Navy board said that the planes flew off to mars. This was the first article to have people curious about Flight 19, but it would take another author, Vincent Gaddis, to write about i t in the February 1964 Argosy Magazine to take Flight 19 and put it together with other disappearances and put it under a new different name, The Deadly Bermuda Triangle, he would write more on that article with a better detailed book, Invisible Horizons, the next year. Others would go on with their own books, like, John Wallace Spencer (Limbo of the Lost, 1969-1973), Charles Berlitz (The Bermuda Triangle, 1974), Richard Winer (The Devils Triangle, 1974), and a lot of others, which they were all staying on the same topics made by Eckert. A research librarian, Lawrence David Kusche, from Arizona State University and author of The Bermuda Triangle Mystery: Solved (1975) has learned a lot more about how he has been writing. His research gave out a lot of errors and disagreements between statements from eyewitnesses and Berlitzs stories, victims, and other people involved in incidents. He stated cases where very important information did not get reported, like the disappearance of round-the-world yachtsman Donald Crowhurst, which Berlitz had showed it as a mystery, besides the good evidence he had. Another example was the story that Berlitz told as lost without a trace three days out of an Atlantic port when it had been lost three days out of port with the same name in the Pacific Ocean. There has also been a lot of incidents far outside of the area, which makes this area a lot more mysterious. The research that he would do was simple and easy. He would read newspapers and reports talking about the weather that was not m entioned in the stories. Kusche came up with some endings of what he had been researching. One, was that with all the ships and aircrafts that had gone missing was not much higher than in any other part of the ocean. Second, tropical storms that had happened in that area were not unlikely or mysterious, which Berlitz and other writers would usually not be able to talk about those storms. Last, was that some disappearances really did not happen. One plane crash was said to be seen by hundreds of witnesses off Daytona Beach, Florida. But, checking the local newspaper, nothing was said about it. Kusche believes that the Legend of the Bermuda Triangle is surely, a mystery. Other people have their own opinions and have done research as much as Kusche has. While the UK Channel 4 television program The Bermuda Triangle was being made by John Simmons of Geofilms for the Equinox Programme, the marine insurer Lloyds of London was asked if a lot of ships had sunk in the Bermuda Triangle area. Lloyds of London replied that the information he had received was not true and no ships had sunk there. The United Coast Guard have found their ending. The disappearances that have happened are close to as many ships and aircrafts that pass through and make it through the Triangle. The Coast Guard is still unsure about the Triangle, even though they get information and publish it, a lot of documents are filed with a lot of the events written by Triangle authors. One event involving the 1972 explosion and sinking of the tanker V.A. Fogg in the Gulf of Mexico, the Coast Guard took pictures of the wreck and found a few bodies. One of the Triangle authors stated that all the bodies had vanished, with the captains permission, who was found sitting in his cabin at his desk, holding a coffee cup. Curious researchers, like Ernest Taves and Barry Singer, have stated how mysteries and the paranormal are very popular and make good money. It started getting a lot of material on topics like the Bermuda Triangle. They were able to show that some of the pro-paranormal material is usually wrong or will not work, but its makers keep marketing it. They have claimed that the market is loaded with books, TV specials, etc. that help the Triangle mystery, and good researched material if people are curious about it. Finally, if the Triangle is thought of to cross land, like parts of Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, or Bermuda itself, there is no evidence for the disappearance of any land-based vehicles or people. The city of Freeport, found inside the Triangle, works a big shipyard and an airport which usually handles 50,000 flights, and is visited by over a million tourists a year. There are mysterious explanations of the incidents that have happened. Triangle writers have used a lot of weird ways to explain the incidents. One explanation blames it on leftover technology from the mythical lost continent of Atlantis. Sometimes put together with the Atlantis story is the deep rock composition known as the Bimini Road off the island of Bimini in the Bahamas, which is in the Triangle in some areas. Followers of the physic Edgar Cayce believe his prediction that evidence of Atlantis would had been found in 1968 which leads to the discovery of the Bimini Road. Believers describe the composition as a road, wall, or some other structure, even though geologists think it was already part of the land. Other writers think of the incidents as UFOs. The idea came from Steven Spielberg for his science fiction film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which shows the lost Flight 19 as alien abductions. Then there is Charles Berlitz, the grandson of an amazing specialist in language and author of a lot of information on abnormal experience, has stayed with the same huge description, and thought of the losses in the Triangle to be abnormal or unexplained forces. There are also normal explanations of the events that have happened. Boundary problems are one of the big issues in a lot of Triangle incidents. Even though some people have guessed that unusual local magnetic abnormals can be in that area, like abnormals that have not been shown to even exist. Also boundaries have natural magnetic differences that are like Magnetic poles. For instance, in the United States the only places where magnetic north and geographic north are exactly the same on a line going from Wisconsin to the Gulf of Mexico. Navigators have known this for centuries. But the public is not as informed about it, and think there is something mysterious about a magnetic changing across an area as big as the Triangle, which it will eventually on its own. There are actions of destruction that happen on purpose. Actions of destruction that happen on purpose can be put into two types: acts of war, and acts of piracy. Records in enemy files have been checked for a lot of losses. While a lot of sinkings have been put to surface raiders or submarines during the World Wars and documented in a lot of the command log books, a lot of others that have happened in that type have not been proven. It might not be true that the loss of USS Cyclops in 1918, as well as her sister ships Proteus and Nereus in World War II, were put to submarines, but that information has not been found in the German records. Piracy is the act of taking a ship or small boat on the high seas, which is still happening today. In the western Pacific and Indian oceans, piracy for cargo theft is a lot more common, drug smugglers steal nice boats for smuggling actions, and could have been apart of crew and yacht disappearances in the Caribbean. Piracy in the Caribbean was common from about 1560 to the 1760s, and famous pirates like, Edward Teach (Blackbeard) and Jean Lafitte. Lafitte is sometimes said to be a Triangle victim himself. The Gulf Stream is almost connected to Bermuda itself. The Gulf Stream is an ocean current that is in the Gulf of Mexico, and then through the Straits of Florida, into the North Atlantic. It is a river within an ocean, and like a river, it can and does carry floating objects. It has a surface speed of up to about 5.6 mph. A small plane making water landing or a boat having an engine problem will be carried away from where its at by the current, just like it happened to the cabin cruiser Witchcraft on December 22, 1972, when it reported engine problems by the Miami buoy marker one mile from shore, but was not there when a Coast Guard got there. One of the biggest problems of explanations to the loss of any aircraft or vessel is human error. Whether on purpose or accidental, humans have been known to make mistakes making catastrophe, and losses in the Bermuda Triangle are not acceptable. For instance, the Coast Guard did not see very good training for the cleaning of volatile benzene residue as a reason for the loss of the tanker V.A. Fogg in 1972. Human stubbornness can have caused businessman Harvey Conover to lose his sailing yacht, the Revonoc, as he sailed into the beginning of the storm south of Florida on January 1, 1958. A lot of losses stay uninformed because there is not that much wreckage which could be studied, it has been talked about on a lot of important reports. Many people believe that hurricanes are the reason to every incident that deals with the Triangle. Hurricanes are powerful storms that are made in tropical waters, and have been responsible for thousands of lives lost and billions of dollars in damage. The sinking of Francisco de Bobadillas Spanish fleet in 1502 was the first recorded incident of a destructive hurricane. These storms have in the caused a lot of incidents like the Triangle. An explanation for some of the disappearances has studied on some of the big fields of methane hydrates on the continental borders. Laboratory experiments that have happened in Australia have proven that bubbles can, honestly, sink a scale model ship by lowering the density of the water; any wreckage consistently coming up to the surface would be highly taken away by the Gulf Stream. It has been proven wrong that periodic methane eruptions (sometimes called mud volcanoes) can make spaces of frothy water that can not give adequate buoyancy for ships. If that was true, an area like that making around a ship could cause it to sink very fast and without giving a warning. A white paper was published in 1981 by the United States Geological Survey about the appearance of hydrates in the Blake Ridge area, off the south eastern United States coast. Although, according to a USGS web page, no big releases of gas hydrates are believed to have happened in the Bermuda Triangle for the past 15,000 years. In many oceans around the world, rogue waves have caused ships to sink and oil platforms to go down. Those waves are believed to be a mystery and until just recently were believed to be a myth. Although, rogue waves do not account for the missing aircraft. A lot of incidents have happened throughout years in the Bermuda Triangle. Flight 19 was a training flight of TBM Avenger bombers that went missing on December 5, 1945 while over the Atlantic. The squadrons flight path was planned to take them east for 120 miles, north for 73 miles, and then back over a final 120-mile length that would take them back to the naval base, but they never came back. People believed that the flight happened in an unusual phenomena and usual magnetic readings, and that the flight happened on a nice day while being watched by an experienced pilot, Lt. Charles Carroll Taylor. What made the disappearance worse, was that the Navys report of the accident was said causes or reasons unknown. It is believed that Taylors mother wanted to save her sons reputation, so she made them write reasons unknown when actually Taylor was 50 km NW from where he thought he was. Adding to the whole mystery, a search and rescue Mariner aircraft with a 13-man crew was ordered to help the missing squadron, but the Mariner itself was never heard from again. Later, there was a report from a tanker taking off the coast of Florida of a seen explosion at about the time the Mariner would have been on duty. The basic facts of this description of the story are most likely usable, some important information is missing. The weather was getting stormy by the end of the incident, and naval reports and written recordings of the conversations between Taylor and the other pilots of Flight 19 do not say there were magnetic problems. With that, only Taylor had any good flying time, but he was not familiar with the south Florida area and had a history of getting lost in flight, that was done three times during World War II, he led planes into the water twice. Another incident was the Mary Celeste. The mysterious disappearance in 1872 of the 282-ton brigantine Mary Celeste but is not connected to the Triangle that much, the ship had been abandoned off the coast of Portugal. The incident got people confused with the loss of a ship with a similar name, the Mari Celeste, a 207-ton paddle steamer which hit a reef and sank fast off the coast of Bermuda on September 13,1864. Kusche stated that a lot of the facts about this incident were actually about the Marie Celeste, the fictional ship from Arthur Conan Doyles short story J. Habakuk Jephsons Statement (based on the real Mary Celeste incident, but fictionalized). There is also, the Ellen Austin supposedly came across an abandoned ship, placed on board a prize crew, and tried to sail with it to New York in 1881. According to the stories, it disappeared; others state that it reappeared without the prize crew, then disappeared again with another prize crew on board. A check of Lloyds of London records proved that the Meta existed and was built in 1854; in 1880 the Meta was renamed Ellen Austin. There are no real facts for this vessel, or any vessel at that time, that would have a lot of missing men put on board that later disappeared. Then there is the USS Cyclops. The event ending in one of the biggest loss of life in the history of the US Navy not connecting to combat happened when USS Cyclops, under the order of Lt Cdr G. W. Worley, went missing without a trace with a crew of 309 sometime after March 4, 1918, after leaving the island of Barbados. However, there is no strong evidence for a theory, a lot of independent theories exist, some blaming storms, and some suggesting that wartime enemy action was to blame for the loss. There is another, which is Theodosia Burr Alston. She was the daughter of the United States Vice President Aaron Burr. Her disappearance has been thought of a least once to be connected to the Triangle. She was a passenger on board of the Patriot, which sailed from Charleston, South Carolina to New York City on December 30, 1812, and was never heard from again. Piracy and the War of 1812 have been stated to be explanations, just like a theory putting her in Texas, far outside of the Triangle. Spray, is another incident that has happened. S.V. Spray was a fishing boat made as an ocean cruiser by Joshua Slocum and used by him to finish the first ever single-handed circumnavigation of the world, between 1895 and 1898. In 1909, Slocum set sail from Vineyard Haven heading for Venezuela. Not him or Spray were ever seen again. There is no evidence they were in the Bermuda Triangle when they disappeared, but neither is there any evidence of paranormal action. A five-masted schooner was built in 1919, the Carroll A. Deering was found abandoned at Diamond Shoals, by Cape Hatteras, North Carolina on January 31, 1921. Rumors at the time stated that the Deering was a victim of piracy, maybe connected with the illegal rum-running trade during Prohibition, and maybe involving another ship, S.S. Hewitt, which disappeared at about the same time. Hours later, an unknown steamer sailed by the lightship along the track of the Deering, and ignored all the signals from the lightship. It is thought of that the Hewitt could have been the mystery ship, and maybe involved in the Deering crews disappearance. On December 28, 1948, a Douglas DC-3 aircraft, number NC16002, disappeared while on a flight from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Miami. No trace of the aircraft or the 32 people on board was ever found. From the documentation put away by the Civil Aeronautics Board investigation, maybe a hint to the planes disappearance was found, but hardly known by the Triangle writers: the planes batteries were looked at and found to be low on charge, but commanded back into the plane without a recharge by the pilot while in San Juan. Whether or not this led to complete electrical failure will never be known. Although, since piston-engine aircrafts depend on magnetos to help spark to their cylinders rather than a battery powered ignition coil system, that theory is not very believable. G-AHNP Star Tiger disappeared on January 30,1948 on a flight from the Azores to Bermuda; G-AGRE Star Ariel disappeared on January 17, 1949, on a flight from Bermuda to Kingston, Jamaica. Both were Avro Tudor IV passenger aircraft worked by British South American Airways. Works Cited Gian J. Quasar (2003). Into the Bermuda Triangle: Pursuing the Truth Behind the Worlds Greatest Mystery (Reprinted in paperback (2005)) Daniel Berg (2000). Bermuda Shipwrecks. Adi-Kent Thomas Jefferey (1975). The Bermuda Triangle. (June 1974) (1995) Reflection I chose this particular topic on the Bermuda Triangle because I have heard many things about this triangular area. I figured if I did a project on it, I could find out myself and real facts instead of what people think. My family and I have always been interested in learning what the Triangle was and now I will be sure to inform them on what I have learned. I chose to make a map of where the Bermuda Triangle was located because I think people should known instead of trying to figure it out in their head. The visual has helped me also, so I am not trying to picture what it looks like. The three most important things I learned while doing this project was what occurred during the disappearance of Flight 19, Lawrence David Kusches opinion on the incidents, and last, how ships and aircrafts might sink within the Triangle. I never knew anything like what happened to Flight 19 could happen like that and how they could disappear and never be seen again, it amazes me. Kusches opinion on the incidents is that, it is all just a mystery that will never be solved. Finally, I would have never thought ships and aircrafts would able to sink even when flying, but I believe everything is possible. My Mom helped me out with this project, but knowing my Mom, she helps me out with everything and I love her for that. Most of the time, I worked on it myself and my Mom just helped me out with the final draft and the rough draft. I feel no body really influenced me throughout this project, maybe Kusche because he trully did hard work and I respect people who work hard. I do not think anyone will be affected by this project but I am sure they will love to here all the information I have gathered up. I can share this new information all around the community! Especially in my school, I know some people who want to know what the Triangle is all about and what really happens within it. Now, I have the answer. It is a mystery. I will use this information throughout the rest of my high school years and even maybe throughout college. The topic will probably get brought up and I will know a lot more then any body else. There is not three ways my perspective on life has changed from the information I learned but there is one way. To cherish every moment your living and to appreciate every body you have because you never know what the future holds and when people can just disappear. I believe that I could have done a few things different but not a lot. I could have organized my things better to where I would not have lost a lot of my notes but I dealt with it and continued my project. I think I could have managed my time better and maybe gotten the project done a little more faster. But, with all my hard work, I feel like I accomplished something! . CHECKLIST The outline The introduction states the main topic or idea of the outline, and the conclusion summarizes it. Each sub-topic describes the main idea for a paragraph. Supporting information and details for a sub-topic are listed under the sub-topic with each piece of information listed separately. When supporting information is listed under a sub-topic, there are at least two pieces of information listed. If there is only one piece of information to support a sub-topic, the information is included in the sub-topic. The report The report follows the organization of the outline. Each paragraph in the report matches a sub-topic in the outline, and presents the information and details listed under the sub-topic. Each paragraph includes a topic sentence that summarizes the main idea of the paragraph. Every sentence begins with a capital letter. Every sentence ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark. All words are spelled correctly. There are no missing words.
Roles Of The Operating System Computer Science Essay
Roles Of The Operating System Computer Science Essay All computers need some form of operating system so that communication between users applications and hardware. The OS also looks after the file system. With advancement in technology OS can now support more than one User, Task or Central Processing Unit (CPU). The OS controls the communication between applications and hardware. For the OS to communicate with these it installs device drivers for any hardware component that is inside the computer. the device driver is created by the hardware manufacturer and this is installed with the hardware software when installing. Thus allowing the OS to talk to the hardware its self. for example a wireless USB adapter (Fig1.1) would install a device driver as shown in (Fig1.2) Files and folders can be stored on the hard drive with the help of the OS creating a file structure on the hard disk its self enabling the data to be stored. Files are stored in a block of data that is treated as a single unit and is given a single name. Any files related to the same program are put in to folders so that the program is able to find all the data needed to run the program without needing to look all over the hard drive. Folders can also be stored inside other folders if they relate to a different part of the program or even an update folder or a uninstall program in the event you want to uninstall the program. These are call subfolders. (Fig 2.1) The structure in which files are stored on a hard drive are stored in a table called file allocation table. the table contains all the details of where each piece of data (such as blocks or clusters) is held that makes up the file on the hard drive. Depending on how the hard drive was formatted depends on the table format and cluster size. There are two different file structures which are: File Allocation Table 32-bit (FAT32) This can support partition sizes up to 2048GB (2TB) FAT32 can be used in Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000 and Windows XP(Fig 2.2). New Technology File System (NTFS)This can support partitions sizes up to 16 Exabytes. 1 Exabyte is 260 bytes. With NTFS there is improved security features and extended attributes that the previous version used FAT32 (Fig 2.3). FIG 2.1Folders and Subfolders FIG 2.2 FAT32 FIG 2.3 NTFS User Interface Operating systems provide the user to interact with the software and the hardware by using two types of user interface called Command-line Interface (CLI) with this the user types commands in to the command prompt as shown in Fig 3.0 Graphical user interface with this the user interacts with menus, icons and applications as shown in Fig 3.1 Fig 3.0 Fig3.1 Applications Management Within the operating system one of the things it does is locates an application and loads it in to the RAM. Applications a software programs such as Microsoft Office word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Games and many more. the OS will make sure that each application has enough system resources to run the program successfully. There is also a set of guidelines used by programmers to make sure that the application they are designing will work on an OS this is called Application Programming Interface (API) two examples of these are: Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) this is a cross-platform standard for multimedia graphics DirectX this is a collection of APIs for multimedia tasks for Microsoft Windows 1b. Within WindowsXP and Windows Vista Operating systems have the following features installed: Multitasking Multiuser Multiprocessing Multithreading Multiuser A multi-user operating system allows for multiple users to use the same computer at different times. So this mean that each user can have its own logon to windows where they can have their files can be secure so that only the user can see them. they can also set the computer display up however they want to such as picture backgrounds of the own choice and task bar settings changing the colour to their own choice. With the account been password protected and the files been stored on the same user logon this makes it secure. When logged on to the computer you can also switch users quickly what this does is keeps the first user logged on but just locks the account and takes you back to the user logon screen and enables you to log on as another user then once you have finished on that account you can just log of and then back at the logon screen you just click the first name again and type the password and you are right back in to it where you had left it so any programs that you had ope n are still open and you can carry on instead of waiting for the computer user settings to be applied making it much faster to change between users. Multitasking An operating system that is capable of allowing multiple software processes to run at the same time. So what this mean is that you can run many different programs at the same time. so you can be working on a document on Microsoft Office Word so the program will be loaded in to the RAM so that it can access it quicker when using the program. So your using the program then you need to use Microsoft Office Excel when you click open on the program it will also load it in to the RAM as well so that you can access the program data as well as the other program. This is multitasking. This would happen every time you opened a new program. Multiprocessing An operating system able of supporting and using more than one computer processor. Most modern computers support some form of multiprocessing. Multiprocessing doesnt require more than one physical CPU; it is simply the operating systems ability to run more than one process on the system. The operating system processes data one part at a time. Each process can execute a completely different program while most processes are completely independent. so if say you are running paint in windows and then open Microsoft office word even though it looks like it is doing them at the same time what it is doing is processing parts of the program one at a time. but because of the seep in what it processes them it gives the appearance that they are doing it at the same time. Multithreading Multithreading has many purposes one of these is to switch between different threads. However the main purpose is to increase the operation of a single core by monitoring and controlling the levels of threads. The tasks carried out by the user happen so frequently that the user does not actually see the threads and/or the tasks are running at the same time, with no fault. Another purpose of multithreading is used by the Operating System to break down a program in use into smaller, more manageable threads when it is required to carry out this specific task. Although it does allow individual programs to be multitasked. This is done because the hardware used for multithreading regularly operates alongside the software for multitasking. It is known for some CPUs to have more than one multithreading core; these are often referred to as processors. On multiprocessor, or multi- core systems, the tasks and threads generally run at the same time, with the support of each processor and/or core running a particular task on the Operating System. 1c. In both Windows XP and Vista there are functions installed on an OS. These functions might be at different levels depending on the OS. These functions are:- Backup Facilities File Management Security Backup Facilities Many backup facilities are used here are a few examples: Daily Copy Normal Incremental Differential Daily A daily backup only saves files that have been modified on that day. This type of support does not modify the other files. Copy This type of support only copies the data and files chosen. For instance a word document is saved in one folder and you copy to another folder of the same OS. This backup can be found in all Windows software. Normal This type of support (full backup) is when the selected files and folders are to be stored and are archived to the hard disk drive. For example an Excel spreadsheet that is being saved for the very first time. Incremental This type of backup saves all folders and files that have been created or modified since the last normal backup. A benefit of this is that the backup times are faster as only the file needs to be saved. However, a drawback of this is that the recovery time of the file will be a lot longer as the data has to be restored from the last incremental backup and/or another backup device. Differential This backup saves all files a nd folders that are created or changed since either the last normal backup. These files are not archived, on the other hand they are copied at the starting point until the next incremental or full backup is complete. Making this type of backup is important as to restore the data you would only need the last full and differential backup. File Management File management is also very similar in Vista and Windows XP. Generally it is a lot easier to manage files and directories in Windows XP than it is in Vista because in Windows XP the graphical user interface I find is much more user friendly. There are options to make Vista act and look like Windows XP through; Start, Control Panel, Appearance and Personalization. Both XP and Vista use NTFS file management. However, in Windows Explorer the file management enforces/performs a hierarchical structure. Below is a broken down step by step of what happens when creating a file in a directory: The OS controls and creates the file structure and directories The hard drive allows data to be stored in this structure The file is then stored on to the hard drive and is given a name or commonly known as a single unit/name The directory programs and data files group all the files together and create the directory (Some directories can be stored in other directories these are commonly known as subdirectories) One last point about directories and subdirectories is that their commonly used name is now folders and subfolders, respectively. Security There are four main ways in which to protect computer systems, these are: Firewall This provides protection against any online threats. Anti-virus software which tries to protect the operating system from any malicious threats that could occur. Passwords is used to protect the contents of the operating system and is a method of controlling who access to it. Encryption is used to prevent people accessing documents they are not permitted to see. The main security feature for Windows XP is designed to continuously monitor the status of the computers security system settings and should a problem occur the operating system will provide a pop up to warn the user of the problem. This security system is referred to as the security centre. Windows Vista has a similar security feature called Windows Defender, however Windows Defender has a few additional features. These features include the removal of ActiveX applications and also support the use of SpyNet software. Also with Vista there is another few security features, one of them is the Parental controls. This allows the administrator to: Control content of which a child can and cannot view. Limiting time allowed on the Internet or computer. Monitor what the child does and track viewed websites and content they have previously looked up. However, on both Windows XP and Vista, they use one vital piece of security the Device Manager. This is used to allow users to view and control the hardware attached to the computer. A piece of hardware is attached is not working, this is highlighted to the user to deal with the hardware problem. The options that the user can deal with each piece of hardware is to supply drivers for the hardware keeping them up to date, enable or disable devices connected to the computer, ignore malfunctioning devices and to view other technical properties to do with the hardware connected.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The World Wide Web Essays -- Internet Technology Computers Essays
The World Wide Web Communication--it is a fundamental part of our everyday lives. It characterizes who we are, what we do, and how we relate to others in society. It is a very powerful tool that holds many different uses for our basic needs and survival. At a very simplistic level, it is key in attaining our very basic needs for survival. In that respect, it is key in achieving all needs in Maslows hierarchy. Its uses and possibilities endless. Over time, the discoveries that have been made in relation to communication have been revolutionary in that they have changed the way we live and act dramatically. For example, the writing on walls, pencils, pens, ink, paper, the printing press, telegraph, telephone, television, electronic mail--these only touch the surface. But, what they all have in common is that they have impacted our lives and the way in which members of society relate to one another, understand and percieve one another. As technology advances, the ways in which we communicate will change and advance. In 1992, the inception of the World Wide Web brought about, which at that time many people were unaware, a revolution in the communication industry. In essence, the way in which people communicate with one another would be changed forever. Families with relatives, friends, managers and employees, organizations-public and private, commerce--the consumer and the supplier. These and an endless number of communication relationships would be changed forever. This web site provides a detailed description of the World Wide Web, its history, the traditional and technological implications that have been brought about with it and raises some moral and ethical questions about the WWW. TARGET TECHNOLOGY--The Wo... ... to do with it or how it was going to change our futures. But, as time went on, we learned to better utilize the invention and how to capitalize on the advantages it holds. Today television is key in many peoples' lives. It changed communication, advertising, commerce and a countless number of things forever. I believe that the Web already has and will do the same in these areas in the future, only with an even greater impact. References Pasadena Public Library. "Internet Tutorial." A World Wide Web Tutorial. (13 April 1999). Halonen, Olli-Pekka. "Guide for creating World Wide Web." A World Wide Web History. (13 April 1999). Ray, Tim. "HTML Definition." A Definition of HTML. (15 April 1999).
Friday, July 19, 2019
Franco Zeffirelli And Baz Luhrmanns Romeo And Juliet :: William Shakespeare
Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet Sex, drugs, and violence are usually a potent combination, and only William Shakespeare could develop them into a masterful, poetic, and elegant story. In the play, "The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet," all these aspects of teenage life absorb the reader or watcher. It is understood that Hollywood would try to imitate this masterpiece on screen, and it has done so in two films: Franco Zeffirelli's 1968 "Romeo and Juliet" and Baz Luhrmann's 1996 "William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet." The updated Luhrmann picture best captures the essence of Shakespeare for the present-day viewer. Through the ingenious use of modernization and location, while preserving Shakespearean language, the spirit of Shakespeare emerges to captivate a large audience. Shakespeare's plays were designed to adapt to any audience: with this in mind, Baz Luhrmann created a film that applies to the modern audience through this updating. Luhrmann modernizes "Romeo and Juliet," through constant alterations of the props, which entice the audience into genuinely feeling the spirit of Shakespeare. First, the movie starts with an prologue masked as a news broadcast on television. This sets the scene of the play by illustrating the violence occurring between the two wealthy families, the Montagues and the Capulets. In Zeffirelli's film of "Romeo and Juliet," the prologue takes the form of a dry narrator relating the story of the Montagues and Capulets over a backdrop of an Italian city. For most modern viewers (especially teenagers), the Luhrmann picture is fast-paced, keeping the spectator intrigued, while the Zeffirelli picture is dreary and dull, an endless maze of long and boring conversations, foreshadowed by the prologue. In Luhrmann's film, the actors, instead of carrying swords with them, hide guns in their shirts and wield them expertly. The death of Romeo and Juliet is (as always) blamed on the post office, for not delivering the letter properly. And, to be politically correct, Mercutio appears at the Capulets' ball dressed as a large woman. The actors in Zeffirelli's version of Shakespeare wear colored tights and bulging blouses; thus they appear more comical because they are outdated. By modernizing these aspects of the play, and reconstructing the prologue, Luhrmann creates a movie that is more interesting to the modern viewer, and captures the essence of Shakespeare's writings. Evidencing this viewer-friendliness, the 1996 "William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet" made almost twelve million dollars in the month of November alone due to its clever alterations. As well as updating Shakespeare's play to the present decade through props, Baz Luhrmann's film is more enjoyable because of the vibrant settings. The Zeffirelli's "Romeo and Juliet" occurs in an ancient Italian city, with
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Differences between men and women Essay
What is the difference between males and females? We notice the different dressing styles, different roles in the workplace and how we spend our leisure time, how we wear our emotions, and also how differently we think. But a question arises. Are males and females really different in every aspect? The first question we ask when a baby is born is: â€Å"Is it a boy or a girl?†Though most people accept most of the socially prescribed roles for the gender they were born with, some struggle against what they see as rigid and arbitrary social norms. In this essay, I will describe and give my input on the roles of human sexuality and gender. Most people think of sex and gender as one and the same when in fact they are not. Wood, Wood, and Boyd (2005) define sex as â€Å"a biological term, while gender is more commonly used to refer to the psychological and social variables associated with one’s sex†(p. 410). In the biological approach, when defining the sociocultural characteristics of masculinity and femininity, cultures look into the behaviors each gender should act upon. Males should be the dominant figure. They should be strong, competitive, be able to stand their ground, confident, and independent. Women on the other had are expected to be the exact opposite. They should be dependent, caring, encouraging, emotional, and nurturing. As children approach the age of two or so, they start to realize the roles such as attitudes, interest, and behaviors, in which males and females are supposed to portray. This is referred to as gender typing. When understanding which roles are to be taken, then they can star t their development. In the psychoanalytic theory, Freud asserts that children’s thoughts about gender occur out of a clash relating to their feelings about their parents. Generally, they would like to tie a bond between the opposite-sex parent but end up doing so with the same-sex parent in order to settle this clash, taking on that’s parent’s gender-related behavior and ideas. â€Å"At the same time, they defer their love for the opposite-sex parent in the hope that someday they will be able to achieve a sexual relationship with a partner who is similar to him or her†(Wood et. al., 2005, p. 411). I can agree with Freud’s psychoanalytic theory to a certain extent. What would the opposite-sex parent do in a family with no boys or no girls? Would he/she take over some traits that the same-sex parent would give to the children? My mother and father had four boys including myself. Being in the situation my mother was in considering there were no girls, she felt a need to rub off some of her traits to us boys. While my father taught us the game of baseball and how to mow the lawn, my mother taught us our table manners and to how to do the laundry. We shared a bond to both of our parents equally. But overall, we all feel the same way in which we want our future wives to be close to, if not exactly like our mother. In the social learning theory, children look for role models to follow, where they imitate that person and want to be like him/her. But say if a boy started doing something that is out of his gender role, such as trying on his mother’s high heels, he will be informed by his father that it is not appropriate for him to do such a thing. Psychologists say that yes imitating and reinforcing may play a part in the gender role development, but it does not offer a complete clarification of this occurrence. Lawrence Kohlberg’s cognitive developmental theory â€Å"suggests that an understanding if gender is a prerequisite to gender role development†(1966; Kohlberg & Ullian, 1974, p. 412). This theory explains that children go through three stages that are necessary to developing the concept of gender. The first stage happens when the child is around the ages of two and three, which is gender identity, or the sense of being male or female. The next stage occurs at four and five, which is gender stability, the understanding that boys will be boys and girls will be girls forever. Then the last stage is when the child has reached six and eight. It is known as gender constancy, or the knowledge that gender will not change, despite the clothes they wear or the activities they participate in. But Kohlberg failed to mention â€Å"why many gender-role appropriate behaviors and preferences are observed in children as young as age 2 or 3, long before gender constancy is acquired†(Bussey & Bandura, 1999; Jacklin, 1989; Martin & Little, 1990, p. 412). I guess it just depends on the educational techniques used on the children. My brothers and I were taught a lot at a very young age, so we had a little bit of a head start. Like the cognitive developmental theory, Sandra Bem’s gender schema theory (1981) emphasizes that children begin to use gender as a way to pick up and sort out information. But the gender schema theory says that this process happens earlier with the gaining of gender identity other than gender constancy. Also like social learning theory, the gender schema theory indicates â€Å"young children are motivated to pay more attention to and behave in ways consistent with the gender-based standards and stereotypes of their culture†(Wood et. al., 2005, p. 412). I think television can become a major factor in a child’s behavior because they can watch shows that are unsuitable for their viewing, and while growing older they can become more fascinated with sexual activity. When becoming sexually involved with another person, both males and females experience four phases of when engaged in sex, called the sexual response cycle. The first phase is the excitement phase, and this is simply when the female undresses for the male and the male uses verbal expressions of affection to stimulate the female. The blood flow starts pumping and the heart beats faster and faster until they reach the second phase, which is the plateau phase. Here excitement keeps rising for the preparation of the third phase, the orgasm. While males only have one, females can have multiple. After that, everything starts to slow down and goes back to its unaroused state. This is known as the resolution phase or the tapering-off period. Sexual activity varies from culture to culture. Furthermore, â€Å"what is perceived as sexually attractive in males and females may differ dramatically†(Woods et. al., 2005, p. 421). Agreed, differences in attraction may occur, even with the same sex. Someone’s sexual orientation describes the preferences at which someone is attracted to either the opposite or that of their own sex. Studies show that males are twice as likely to be homosexual than females. Berenbaum & Snyder (1995) say that if the androgens, or hormones that make one masculine, are too high or too low, can make the brain develop more masculine or feminine which homosexual orientation is more likely. Most of the time it is all in the genes, but other times it is that person’s choice to be homosexual, even if others may not be on the same page. Some people can be homophobic, which in my view is extremely improper. Whoever thinks that it is wrong should take a step back, let those people live their lives and start worrying about their own. I have known many people who were homophobic and it just pushed my buttons to see how cruel they can be to someone with a different sexual orientation. I do see where they are coming from, on the other hand. I do think it is weird to see two homosexual men holding hands or kissing, but I always come to an understanding that they are who they are and nothing can change that. They want to feel the comfort of another. In general, they want to love just as much as heterosexual couples do, so I praise them for that. With homosexual activity and even heterosexual activity, there comes a price if a couple chooses to have unprotected sex. There are many sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), but the major ones are Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, which all can be cured by antibiotics. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are critical to women because if they in fact do have any of these, they do not have any early stages of infections. Since they do not treat it on time, then it can lead to infertility. Viral STDs include genital herpes, genital warts, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), which cannot be cured. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS. It attacks the immune system, and can cause cancer or other dysfunctions. In order to prevent spreading STDs one should avoid sex with multiple partners, and also use a latex condom with a spermicide. With the growing rate of STDs nowadays, and the amount of television commercials informing teenagers and adults to practice safe sex and get tested for HIV or AIDS, I do not understand why people still have unsafe sex. It is not that difficult to â€Å"strap up†before â€Å"doing the deed†or â€Å"keep it in your pants,†that is unless you are prepared to have a child and have been tested along with your partner. I have known many males and females who have had unprotected sex and regret ever doing so, a couple of which becoming pregnant. From their point of view, they feel lost because they cannot support their children and give them the attention they need in order to have a secure, fulfilling childhood.
An inspector calls, drama and tension Essay
An Inspector Calls tryHow does Priestley build the drama and emphasis in this extract?The extract is from page 47 starting MRS B Im sorry she should have come to much(prenominal) a horrible give notice. But I accept no blame for this at allIn this extract, JB Priestley builds drama and tension finished the use of dramatic irony. Mrs logrolling does not watch until the very end of the scene that her own son is responsible for(p) for Eva Smiths pregnancy. However, Sheila and the audience father to realise this before her. So, when she says things like I blame the young man of the tike she was going to have, we realise that she is unknowingly incriminating herself and her son. This makes it tense and exciting, because we want to bring out what will happen when she eventually does realise that the person she is being so vinegarish on is her own son.In this extract, JB Priestley too builds up drama and tension through having Sheila realise the truth of the situation hanker b efore her mother. Sheila is constantly interrupting trying to develop to her mother that by blaming the father of the squirt she is only blaming her own son. For example, she says Mother-stop-stop and But forefathert you see- As well as her speech, the stage directions show that she is getting progressively agitated and hysterical in attempting to discourage her mother about what is happening.This is very tense and dramatic because Mr and Mrs logrolling misinterpret her words and just assume that she is overexcited this is merge through the use of imperatives, which connotes Sheilas discouragement to be listened to. They assume she is being silly, when in fact she is the closest of all of the Birling family to true insight at this point.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Five Steps to a Five: AP English Language Essay
The third types of undertakes menti sensationd in five Steps to a Five AP English Language atomic digit 18 abbreviation, argumentative, and implication. An summary essay is complied of variant split, it explains how the many parts can come together to work a complete result. To have an argumentative essay you must(prenominal) acknowledge what you argon defending and have sufficient and holy info to aliment your claim. A synthesis essay should contain the main points of compared and contrast, sweat and effect, and analysis of the writers topic.An analysis essay must consider the indites point of view, rhetorical devices apply to achieve his or her purpose, stylistic elements, tone, veritable or imagined experience, and a discussion. To ensure that these points are made, simple t take a moods are recommended for example outlay one to collar transactions yarn and on the job(p) the prompt, five proceeding edition and making marginal notes regarding the passage , ten minutes preparing to write, twenty minutes writing the essay, and three minutes proof consumeing.To write an argumentative essay you must understand the nature of the stake taken in the prompt, taking a specific stand with the assertion, and clearly and logically nutritioning the writers claim. When abandoned an excerpt or statement you must understand what the passage is stating, then ask yourself if you agree or disagree. When you have successfully decided, the next step is to find information to clog your opinion.Helpful tasks that can be taken to ensure that your essay is a success are to spend one to three minutes reading and working on the prompt, three minutes decision making on a position, ten to 12 minutes writing your essay, and three minutes proofreading. To have a presentable synthesis essay the writer must be able to read critically, understand the text, analyze the texts, develop a position on a given topic and support the position it, incorporate outside s ources into texts of the essay, and evermore cite sources used in the essay. beforehand writing the author must read all prompts, deconstruct the synthesis, read and compose each of the given texts, and decide how you provide address the synthesis prompt. The tasks recommended for a refined essay is to spend five to sextuplet minutes going back to the texts and deciding which you allow use in your essay, eightsome to ten minutes planning the support of your position, twenty minutes writing the essay, three to four minutes checking to make accredited that you have included the minimum number of sources and correctly cited them all, and three minutes proofreading.Analysis, argumentative, and synthesis are all excellent forms of essays in which you can state your opinion and support it in different ways. Analysis will allow the writer to read finished and discover the main points that is needed, argumentative is a more aggressive statement in which the writer may defend his or her position. Whereas the synthesis essay is a way for the writer to compare and contrast different positions.
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